Now Foods - page 2

NOW Foods je velká rodinná společnost vyrábějící přírodní produkty již od roku 1968. Tato společnost vyrábí více než tisíc přírodních produktů včetně vitamínů, minerálů, bylinných extraktů, a přírodní kosmetiky. Tato společnost vyhrála mnoho ocenění v kategorii výrobců a přírodních produktů.

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Oregano, also known as oregano, is a spicy, aromatic herb that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years in addition to its culinary uses. Oregano Oil is standardized to ensure a minimum of 55% Carvacrol and the soft gelatin capsules are enteric coated to release the contents in the gut.
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The natural fish oil concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested for potentially harmful amounts of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other impurities.)
Dle potížíDeprese, Menopauza Podle potřebyDoplnění, Celkové zdraví, Nálada, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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Hořčík je minerál, který je velmi důležitý pro produkci energie, metabolismus, svalovou kontrakci, přenos nervových impulsů a mineralizaci kostí. Je to nezbytný kofaktor pro přibližně 300 enzymů. Mezi reakce katalyzované těmito enzymy patří syntéza mastných kyselin, syntéza proteinů a metabolismus glukózy. Hořčík je také důležitý pro regulaci vápníkové rovnováhy a příštítné žlázy. Hořčík citrát s malátem a glycinátem se snadno vstřebává a měkké želatinové jsou vyráběny v tekuté bázi s chelátovými formami hořčíku pro vynikající biologickou dostupnost.
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Glycin je nejmenší a nejjednodušší aminokyselina a díky své struktuře je velmi univerzální pro použití v široké škále funkcí. Glycin je nezbytný pro produkci glutathionu, DNA, kreatinu, žluči, hemoglobinu a většiny proteinů. Glycin je také spolu s prolinem hlavní součástí kolagenu. Glycin navíc pomáhá podporovat ukládání glykogenu, díky čemuž je glukóza snadno dostupná ve svalech při potřebě energie. Glycin také působí jako uklidňující neurotransmiter v mozku.
Dle potížíÚnava Podle potřebySpánek, Relaxace, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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D-Mannose is a naturally occurring simple sugar that the body uses to clean the urinary tract and maintain a healthy bladder lining. It is only metabolised in small amounts, with excess being quickly excreted in the urine, so it does not interfere with healthy blood sugar regulation. Clinical studies report that D-mannose, when taken regularly, supports normal urinary tract function by cleaning and maintaining the health of the bladder lining.
Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé ZnačkaNow Foods
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Boron is a biologically active trace mineral that affects the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron is known to support bone strength and structure.
Dle potížíBolest, Křeče, Menstruace, Záněty Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Minerál, Hormonální rovnováha ZnačkaNow Foods
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Red elm (slippery elm, red elm, or also red elm) is a small North American tree that herbalists have traditionally used for several hundred years. The original discovery is attributed to Native Americans and served as a survival food for the early settlers of America in times of scarcity. Elm bark is known for its mucilaginous compounds that can help coat and soothe GI tract tissues.
Dle potížíZažívání Podle potřebyTrávení ZnačkaNow Foods
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Zinc is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of many systems and organs in the body, including the skeletal, immune, neurological and endocrine systems. Zinc is an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to protein and carbohydrate metabolism, RNA/DNA synthesis, and intercellular signaling. It also plays a critical role in the body's defense against oxidative stress and is useful for maintaining healthy aging. This product contains 50 mg of elemental zinc, so it is not suitable for long-term use . Can only be used short-term for a few days at a time.
Dle potížíEkzémy, Deprese, Akné, Nachlazení Podle potřebyPlodnost, Kognitivní podpora, Posílení imunity ZnačkaNow Foods
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Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyMultiminerál, Minerál ZnačkaNow Foods
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Podle potřebyDoplnění ZnačkaNow Foods
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Epimedium sagittatum is an ornamental herb that also has a long history of traditional use in traditional Chinese medicine. In China, arrowroot is called yin yang huo, because it is taken as a tonic for the female (yin) and male (yang). Yarrow, in this traditional approach, is said to tonify the "life gate" - a term used to denote "vital energy" in men. This bark extract is standardized for the amount of Icariin, its main active ingredient, and is combined with Maca (Lepidium meyenii), another herb valued for its tonic properties.
Dle potížíProstata a erekce, Libido muži, Libido ženy Podle potřebyAfrodisiaka, Hormonální rovnováha ZnačkaNow Foods
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
Dle potížíStres, Uši Podle potřebySerotonin, Kognitivní podpora, Relaxace, Spánek, Nálada ZnačkaNow Foods
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Jetel luční je kvetoucí rostlina, která prosperuje v loukách a polích v celé Evropě, Severní Americe a severní a střední Asii. Je často zmíňována v tradičních lékařských textech východní a západní civilizace na různé obtíže.
Dle potížíMenopauza, Uši, Deprese Podle potřebySpánek, Relaxace, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Tento výtažek rostliny Ginkgo biloba patří k nejvyšší dostupné kvalitě na celém světě. Produkt obsahuje navíc rostlinu zvanou sibiřský ženšen (eleuterokok).
Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Adaptogen ZnačkaNow Foods
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Now Ultra Omega 3 contains concentrated fish oil, manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is enclosed in soft gelatin capsules with an enteric coating, so it can be taken comfortably without the taste and smell of fish oil, and it also contains a high proportion of the important omega 3 acids EPA and DHA. It is also regularly tested for potentially harmful levels of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other contaminants). Those who have ever experienced nausea or reflux from other fish oils should tolerate these softgel capsules better.
Dle potížíMenopauza, Deprese Podle potřebyDoplnění, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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L-tyrosine is a conditionally essential amino acid required for the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, as well as for the skin pigment, melanin. Noradrenaline and adrenaline are the main actors in the body's response to acute stress and, together with dopamine, help promote positive mood and mental alertness. In addition, L-tyrosine is important for thyroid function.
Dle potížíStres ZnačkaNow Foods
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Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apple cider. The apple cider vinegar extract in this economical package is in capsules for easy use.
Podle potřebyHubnutí ZnačkaNow Foods
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Kořeny rostliny angelica sinesis (Dong Quai) byly po tisíce let vysoce ceněné asijskými herbalisty. Dong Quai je tradičně známý jako tonizující rostlina pro ženský reprodukční systém.
Dle potížíLibido ženy Podle potřebyPlodnost ZnačkaNow Foods
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Bromelain is a proteolytic enzyme obtained from the pineapple plant, which has proteolytic properties, i.e. it can digest proteins. When taken with food, bromelain can help support healthy digestion; when taken between meals, it can contribute to joint comfort and relieve temporary soreness that is associated with excessive muscle strain. Bromelain has a natural ability to support proper digestive function, and may also contribute to muscle and joint comfort.
Dle potížíAlergie, Sezónní rýma Podle potřebyEnzymy, Protizánětlivé, Trávení ZnačkaNow Foods
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Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is naturally produced in very small amounts in the body, but it is also found in some foods. ALA is unique in that it can function in both aqueous and fatty environments. ALA supports the production of glutathione and can also recycle vitamins C and E, increasing their antioxidant activity. In addition, ALA may help maintain healthy nerve tissue, promote proper glucose metabolism, and promote healthy cardiovascular function. This product contains alpha-lipoic acid in the best and strongest dose of 600 mg in one capsule. In addition, it also contains grape seed extract and the well-known Bioperine black pepper extract to increase absorption.
Podle potřebyAntioxidant ZnačkaNow Foods
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L-arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid, which is mainly involved in the metabolism and excretion of urea, as well as in DNA synthesis and protein production. It is an important precursor of nitric oxide (NO) and therefore plays a role in the dilation of blood vessels. The L-arginine used in this product is pharmaceutical grade.
Dle potížíProstata a erekce Podle potřebyProkrvení, NO ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vilkakora (Cat's Claw or Uncaria Tomentosa) also known as the "life-giving vine of Peru" or "uña de gato" is a woody vine native to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical regions of South and Central America. Modern science discovered this plant only relatively recently and it was found that its characteristic alkaloids are mainly responsible for its biological activities. However, the native Indians of the Amazon have been using this plant for over 2,000 years and value its many uses. This preparation contains only the high-quality inner bark of this creeper, just as the local Indians use it.
Dle potížíBolest kloubů, Únava Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Anti-age, Protizánětlivé, Ochrana DNA ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, is part of the B vitamin family that occurs naturally in foods such as grains, beans, nuts, eggs and meat. Thiamine is involved in many bodily functions, including nervous system and muscle function, electrolyte flow in nerve and muscle cells, carbohydrate metabolism, and the production of hydrochloric acid, which is essential for proper digestion.
Dle potížíMenstruace, Krevní cukr, Závislost ZnačkaNow Foods
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This non-GMO soy lecithin in soft gelatin capsules contains phosphatidylcholine, which forms an important part of the brain and nervous system. Lecithin also contains naturally occurring essential fatty acids and inositol. Lecithin helps to emulsify fats, allowing them to dissolve in water.
Dle potížíStres, Cholesterol Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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PQQ (pyrroloquinoline-quinone) is an important mitochondrial growth factor . Mitochondria are indispensable for providing energy for the cell and their number affects the capacity of the organism. PQQ is a natural compound that can be found in small amounts in many foods, including breast milk. The complex of compounds in this product includes, in addition to PQQ itself, also coenzyme Q10, vitamin b12 (methylcobalamin) and indispensable Acetyl l-carnitine, thus forming a very effective combination for mitochondria.
Dle potížíDeprese Podle potřebyAnti-age, Energie, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin D3 supports the transport and absorption of calcium. Vitamin K is important for working together with vitamin D and for healthy and strong bones. Vitamin K supports the correct metabolism of calcium in vascular structures.
Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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Sunflower lecithin contains phosphatidylcholine, the most abundant phospholipid in the cell membrane, where it plays a key role in cell signaling and synaptic function. Sunflower lecithin also naturally contains abundant amounts of phosphatidyl inositol, phosphatidyl ethanolamine and essential fatty acids. Lecithin in the diet helps to emulsify fats, allowing them to disperse in water. As a phospholipid containing choline, it is easily absorbed and used by the body. Like lecithin made from sunflower, it does not contain soy and is non-GMO.
Dle potížíStres, Cholesterol Podle potřebyProti LDL, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Magnesium is a mineral that is very important for energy production, metabolism, muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses and bone mineralization. It is an essential cofactor for approximately 300 enzymes. Reactions catalyzed by these enzymes include fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. Magnesium is also important for regulating calcium balance and the parathyroid gland. Magnesium Citrate with Malate and Glycinate is easily absorbed and the soft gelatins are made in a liquid base with chelated forms of magnesium for excellent bioavailability. This product combines all the great forms of magnesium to provide 166 mg of elemental magnesium in one softgel capsule, which is more than magnesium malate alone.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyMinerál, Celkové zdraví, Doplnění ZnačkaNow Foods
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Hloh obecný má dlouhou historii tradičního použití v Evropě a Severní Americe jako bylinné tonikum. Moderní vědecké studie identifikovaly řadu bioaktivních složek, včetně OPC (oligomerní prokyanidiny).
Dle potížíZáněty, Alergie Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Hubnutí ZnačkaNow Foods
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Now Foods Sunflower Lecithin Powder contains phosphatidylcholine, the most abundant phospholipid in the cell membrane. It is also naturally rich in phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine and essential fatty acids. Lecithin supports the emulsification of fats and enables their dissolution and dispersion in water. Sunflower lecithin does not contain soy and is not genetically modified.
Dle potížíStres, Cholesterol Podle potřebyProti LDL, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Arginine and citrulline are two amino acids that are integral to protein metabolism and utilization, as well as the maintenance of muscle tissue. Both are key intermediates in the urea cycle where they participate in ammonia detoxification through the production of urea. In addition, arginine that is not used to make urea enters the general circulation, where it is then distributed to various tissues and metabolized for other uses, such as protein synthesis. The product also contains citrulline, which is itself a more effective source of arginine, but lacks some of the properties of arginine. Together, these two amino acids form an ideal combination for increasing NO, pumping muscles, and improving blood flow.
Podle potřebyNO, Prokrvení, Čištění cév ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin D3 helps support immunity and a healthy heart, including other functions such as regulating phosphorus and calcium levels, important for healthy teeth and bones. Vitamin K is not just one vitamin, but a whole family of fat-soluble vitamins with similar chemical structures but different metabolic properties. Form K2 belongs to a group of vitamin K compounds called menaquinones, which show greater biological activity and absorbability compared to form K1, the commonly used form of this vitamin. MenaQ7 Natural Vitamin K2 provides an excellent form of vitamin K for optimal bioavailability and absorption. Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 work synergistically - each nutrient helps the other in its functions. This product delivers both of these key vitamins in a highly absorbable liquid form and in a good ratio used in many studies.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyNálada, Celkové zdraví, Ochrana cév, Posílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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