Aloe Vera - Digestion and Skin

Aloe Vera supplement for healthy digestion and skin support . It contains natural ingredients that soothe digestive problems and promote skin hydration. Aloe Vera also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ideal for overall well-being and health .

Licorice has been extensively researched for its ability to support healthy digestive function. DGL, or Deglycylated Licorice, is a form of licorice root that has been specially processed to remove glycyrrhizin, an undesirable compound, thereby enriching the biologically active compounds that help maintain a healthy lining in the stomach and intestines. Aloe vera was included for its soothing properties. The advantage of removing glycyrrhizin is mainly the fact that this undesirable compound can have an estrogenic effect. By removing it, a much more valuable product is obtained.
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Aloe Vera nabízí celou řadu živin, včetně vitamínů, minerálů, enzymů a aminokyselin. Za aktivní složku se považují složky mukopolysacharidů Aloe Vera, známé také jako glykosaminoglykany (GAG). Tento produkt zahrnuje další tradiční byliny, které doplňují uklidňující hojivé vlastnosti Aloe.
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