Boron - Bones and Hormonal Balance

Boron is an essential mineral that plays a key role in various aspects of overall health and well-being. From supporting bone health to regulating hormones and more, boron is a valuable nutrient to consider. Boron occurs in various forms , including organic forms such as amino acid chelates , but also inorganic forms such as sodium borate (borax) and boric acid . Inorganic forms of boron are a natural part of drinking water in some regions of the world and contribute significantly to the sufficient intake of this important element.

The difference between organic and inorganic forms of boron is slightly better bioavailability in favor of the organic form, otherwise both organic and inorganic forms of boron are similar in terms of safety . In the case of inorganic forms , quality and food purity are the most important.

However, the benefits of boron extend beyond bone health . This mineral is associated with supporting cognitive function, kidney function , hormone regulation , as well as other minerals such as magnesium , calcium and vitamin D. Its role in bone metabolism is particularly important as it contributes to bone health , density and strength .

The daily intake of boron from food can vary, with the average daily intake of boron from food sources ranging from 0.5 to 4 mg worldwide, depending on the region. Boron- rich foods such as avocados , almonds , plums , raisins and apricots can help achieve adequate levels of this important mineral .

For common boron doses, 3, 6, or 12 mg, it is usually safe to take daily as part of a balanced diet. Higher doses above 20 mg should only be taken under the supervision of a healthcare professional and only for a limited time .

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461,00  368,80 
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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyProkrvení, Doplnění, Posílení imunity, Krása zevnitř, Nálada, Ochrana cév, Kognitivní podpora, Multivitamín, Růst vlasů, Hydratace, Methylace, Minerál, Celkové zdraví, Formulace, Anti-age BrandNutraday
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849,00  679,20 
You save: 169,80 
A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyMultivitamín, Růst vlasů, Minerál, Ochrana cév, Formulace, Methylace, Doplnění, Krása zevnitř, Posílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora, Celkové zdraví, Hydratace, Nálada, Anti-age, Prokrvení BrandNutraday
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Bór pomáhá předcházet ztrátě vápníku, hořčíku a fosforu močí a podílí se také na metabolismu vitaminu D3. Vyskytuje se především v ovoci, zelenině, luštěninách a ořechách, pokud je ho při pěstování dostatek v půdě. Tento produkt je pečlivě testován a vyroben podle nejvyšší kvality.
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Boron is a biologically active trace mineral that affects the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron is known to support bone strength and structure.
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Bór je biologicky aktivní stopový minerál, který ovlivňuje metabolismus vápníku, hořčíku a fosforu. Je známo, že bór podporuje pevnost a strukturu kostí.
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