Superfoods - Health and Energy

Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that strongly support overall health and energy . They contain relatively high amounts of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that improve the immune system, heart health and cognitive function. Some superfoods also support the liver to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

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Spirulina is one of the most popular and at the same time the best researched freshwater algae in terms of impact on the human organism. For example, it has been used for centuries in Peru, where the local people grow it in small terraced lakes in the mountains. From a nutritional point of view, the complete composition of all essential amino acids and a high total proportion of protein can be appreciated, but also the occurrence of other rare substances such as the omega fatty acid GLA. At the same time, it has strong detoxifying properties, stronger than the well-known Chlorella algae. Due to its popularity, Spirulina is found in a wide range of products. Unfortunately, the vast majority of spirulina sold comes from China. As this algae accumulates metals and various harmful substances, it is therefore prone to contamination, and thanks to lower standards for food quality control, this risk is a tax at a low price. In contrast, spirulina grown in the clear terraced ponds of small growers in Peru and thanks to the purity of the surrounding landscape offers the assurance of high quality and zero contamination. The location of the local lakes at an altitude above 3000 m above sea level gives the local spirulina greater effectiveness due to exposure to higher UV radiation, which the algae defends itself with increased production of active substances. This product offers high quality organic spirulina in 1000mg tablets for convenient use.
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Moringa oleifera je strom, po celém světě dobře známý jako zdroj rostlinných fytonutrientů podporujících výživu a zdraví. Řada mezinárodních organizací obhajuje pěstování moringy, jako pomocníka v boji proti hladu a pro podporu zdraví v chudých oblastech. Moringa, známá svými dlouhými jedlými lusky podobnými paličce, je považována za jeden z nejužitečnějších stromů na světě.
Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Protizánětlivé, Celkové zdraví
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Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is a tree native to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh that is used as an important source of nutrients. Moringa has been studied for its health properties, which are attributed to its numerous naturally occurring bioactive components, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, isothiocyanates, tannins, and saponins. NOW® uses only non-GMO, high quality moringa leaves.
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NOW Chlorella, 1000 mg, 120 tablets Green algae Naturally occurring chlorophyll and beta-carotene Chlorella with a broken cell wall Non-GMO GMP quality Also suitable for vegetarians / vegans Dietary supplement NOW® Chlorella provides the natural nutritional profile found in...
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NOW Foods, Spirulina, 500 mg, 100 tablets Super green food Rich in nutrients Vegetarian/Vegan Non-GMO GMP quality Dietary supplement NOW® Spirulina provides the natural nutritional profile found in real whole foods. Spirulina is a blue-green microalga that has naturally...
Podle potřebyDetoxikace BrandNow Foods
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