Curcumin - Extract from Turmeric

Curcumin supplement with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects . It helps reduce inflammation and supports joint and immune system health. Curcumin also supports brain health. Key to preventing neurodegenerative diseases .

Curcumin is the main curcuminoid extracted from turmeric , a plant in the same genus as ginger . It comes from South Asia, where it has been highly valued for its effects since ancient times. Curcumin is very popular because it helps reduce inflammation and supports joint and immune system health. Curcumin also supports brain health.

The main problem with curcumin itself is its very low absorption in the body. The vast majority of active substances from turmeric do not pass through the digestive system to be absorbed into the blood, from where it can then be transported to other places in the body.

All curcuminoids are fat - soluble substances, so they should be consumed together with healthy oils . If we want to get curcumin into the bloodstream , it is important to use curcumin in some form that allows hundreds of percent higher absorption than the turmeric extract itself . The often used combination with black pepper increases the absorption of the turmeric extract itself roughly twice. At the same time, however, this method can worsen some symptoms for people with a more sensitive digestive system. Another suitable form is the binding of curcumin to oil microparticles , which increase absorption by hundreds of percent , due to the binding of curcumin to lecithin molecules, thanks to which curcuminoids are easily absorbed .

In the case when the main target of curcumin is the digestive system, it is more appropriate to use ground turmeric or curcumin extract without any of the absorbability improvers .

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MERIVA's patented curcumin in the form bound to phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) with absorbability almost 30 times higher than the combination of curcumin and piperine alone, as found in a clinical study . Curcumin itself is very poorly absorbed by the body from the digestive tract (only a few units of percent), therefore, to enhance absorbability, it is often mixed with piperine (extract from black pepper), which increases its absorbability by up to 100%. Phosphatidylcholine in this form of curcumin also ensures high absorbability by binding curcumin molecules to each other and easily transporting them into the bloodstream. High absorption is one thing, but the most important feature of MERIVA curcumin is a much better profile of curcuminoids in the blood plasma due to the high content of dementhoxycurcumin, which is considered more important for anti-inflammatory effects.
By ailmentsDepression, Alergies, Pain, Inflammation, Eczema By needsAnti-inflammatory, Blood flow, Overall wellness, NO BrandJarrow Formulas
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Curcumin is considered the main bioactive component contained in the root of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a plant belonging to the ginger family. Turmeric has been used as a coloring and flavoring agent in South Asian cuisines for centuries, and has also been recommended by traditional Ayurvedic herbalists for centuries. Curcumin has been extensively studied by modern scientists for its various biological activities. This product contains a standardized extract of turmeric, without an absorption enhancer, therefore it is suitable for targeting the digestive system.
By ailmentsColon BrandNow Foods
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1 592,00 
Doctor's Best Curcumin with Curcumin C3 Complex and BioPerine contains a powerful standardized extract of the root Curcuma longa, known as turmeric. Turmeric has a centuries-old tradition in Ayurvedic healing. The active ingredients of Curcuma longa are cucuminoids, compounds that have shown strongly positive properties in scientific studies. Curcuminoids can benefit the joints, brain, heart and circulatory system by helping to neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammatory processes. BioPerine is a trademark of the highest quality black pepper extract, which contains 95-98% piperine as a natural enhancer of the absorption of curcumin from the intestinal tract.
By ailmentsDepression, Alergies, Pain, Inflammation, Eczema By needsAnti-inflammatory, Blood flow, Overall wellness, NO BrandDoctor's Best
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Curcumin Phytosome obsahuje kurkumin značky Meriva® patentovanou, klinicky studovanou, biologicky vylepšenou formu kurkuminu, která je velmi osvědčená. Pozitivní přínosy konzumace kurkuminu jsou uznávané již dlouhou dobu, v jeho efektivním využití ale byla vždy velkou překážkou špatná systémová biodostupnost kurkuminu. Použitím patentované fytosomové technologie však byli vědci schopni mnohonásobně zvýšit biologickou dostupnost nejdůležitějších kurkuminoidů. Kurkumin Meriva® tak přináší skvěle vstřebatelný přírodní kurkumin, který předčí vstřebatelností velmi známou kombinaci kurkumy a černého pepře.
By ailmentsInflammation, Pain, Eczema, Alergies, Depression By needsBlood flow, Overall wellness, Anti-inflammatory, NO BrandHealthy Origins
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1 159,00 
NOW Foods, Turmeric Curcumin, 120 Vegetable Capsules Herbal supplement Standardized extract 95% curcuminoids Non-GMO GMP quality Vegetarian/Vegan Dietary supplement Curcumin is the main bioactive component found in the roots of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a plant belonging to the...
By ailmentsColon BrandNow Foods
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Využití síly kurkumy nebylo nikdy jednodušší. Orální sprej BetterYou Turmeric umožňuje každému těžit z plného potenciálu této neuvěřitelné rostliny. Výhody příznivých látek z kurkumy jsou významně sníženy špatnou absorpcí díky její hydrofobní povaze. Unikátní složení tohoto produktu umožňuje malým kapičkám rychle se vstřebávat do superabsorpčních vrstev vnitřní tváře, bohatě zásobených krevními cévami umístěnými těsně pod povrchem, což z něj činí ideální prostředí pro dodávání živin V procesu, pojmenovaném Cyclocurmin®, jsou kurkuminy obalené přirozeným cyklodextrinovým procesem známým jako enkapsulace, díky čemuž jsou molekuly kurkuminoidů rozpustné ve vodě a zabraňují jejich shlukování. Jde o proces převzatý z farmaceutického průmyslu. Tyto se poté emulgují, aby se vytvořil rovnoměrně rozptýlený roztok na vodní bázi pro optimální absorpci měkkou tkání v ústech. Celá tatp kurkuma je nezávisle testována na těžké kovy včetně olova, arsenu, kadmia a rtuti, aby byla zajištěna plná shoda a bezpečnost. Přírodní přísady - obsahuje přírodní emulgátory, příchutě a sladidlo (xylitol). Tato formulace s pomerančovou příchutí je vhodná i pro vegany a vegetariány.
By ailmentsPain, Inflammation, Depression By needsAnti-inflammatory BrandBetterYou
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1 192,00 
Curcumin is a well-known and intensively studied molecule with a considerable range of beneficial effects on the body. Meriva® Curcumin is a phytosome form of curcumin that is patent protected and consists of curcumin extract bound to phosphatidylcholine for increased absorption and bioavailability. Clinical studies show excellent absorption and the right curcuminoid profile, making it one of the best curcumins on the market.
By ailmentsAlergies, Depression, Pain, Inflammation, Eczema By needsNO, Anti-inflammatory, Overall wellness, Blood flow BrandJarrow Formulas
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NOW Foods, Turmeric & Bromelain, 90 Vegetable Capsules Joint support Standardized Turmeric Extract Bromelain 2400 GDU/g Vegetarian / Vegan GMP quality Dietary supplement NOW® Turmeric & Bromelain is a herbal combination created to support healthy joint tissue. Scientific studies...
By ailmentsDigestion By needsAnti-inflammatory BrandNow Foods
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Jarrow Formulas, Curcumin 95, extrakt z kurkumy, 500 mg, 60 rostlinných kapslí Pomáhá minimalizovat oxidační stres Zklidnění zažívání Veganský Bezlepkový Non GMO Doplněk stravy Jarrow Formulas® Curcumin 95 je vysoce koncentrovaný v polyfenolech známých jako...