Theanine - Calm and Clarity

L-theanine is a natural amino acid found mainly in tea leaves . It is known for its calming and relaxing effects on the mind and body . Theanine is often used as a dietary supplement to promote relaxation , reduce stress and anxiety , and improve focus and mental clarity .

One of the key benefits of L-theanine is its ability to induce a state of relaxation without causing drowsiness. It does this by increasing the brain's production of alpha waves, which are associated with a relaxed yet focused state. By promoting a sense of calm, L-theanine can help manage stress and anxiety, improve mood , and promote overall well-being and peace of mind.

The synergistic effects of theanine with caffeine are also interesting. When combined with caffeine, L-theanine can help reduce the nervousness and anxiety side effects commonly associated with caffeine consumption. It supports a smoother and more balanced increase in energy , providing a focused and alert state of mind. In addition to its relaxing benefits, it also helps improve focus , focus , and concentration, making it a popular choice for individuals looking to improve their mental performance and productivity .

Typical doses of L-theanine range from 100 to 400 mg per day, although individual needs may vary. It is recommended to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it as needed while monitoring the body's reaction.

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L-Theanin je neesenciální aminokyselina obsažená například v zeleném čaji, kde je považována za sloučeninu zodpovědnou za zklidňující účinky pití čaje. Suntheanine L-Theanin je patentovanou formou této aminokyseliny v nejvyšší čistotě na trhu. Některé produkty s L-Theanin obsahují mnoho nečistot, které pak mohou způsobovat bolesti hlavy a jiné vedlejší účinky.  
Dle potížíStres, Uši Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Relaxace BrandDoctor's Best
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L-theanin je jedinečná aminokyselina, která se přirozeně nachází v čaji (Camellia sinensis). L-theanin podporuje relaxaci při zachování bdělosti a podporuje zdravé kognitivní funkce. L-theanin může také prostřednictvím tohoto relaxačního účinku podporovat zdravé vaskulární funkce.
Dle potížíUši, Stres Podle potřebyRelaxace, Kognitivní podpora BrandNow Foods
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L-Theanine is an amino acid found naturally in the Camellia sinensis (tea) plant. Studies have found that L-theanine stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain, which may mediate the desired calming properties.
Dle potížíUši, Stres Podle potřebyRelaxace, Kognitivní podpora BrandHealthy Origins
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L-theanine is a unique amino acid found naturally in tea (Camellia sinensis). L-theanine promotes relaxation while maintaining alertness and supports healthy cognitive function. L-theanine may also promote healthy vascular function through this relaxing effect.
Dle potížíUši, Stres Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Relaxace BrandNow Foods
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L-Theanine is an amino acid found naturally in the Camellia sinensis (tea) plant. Studies have found that L-theanine stimulates the production of alpha waves in the brain, which may mediate the desired calming properties.
Dle potížíStres, Uši Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Relaxace BrandHealthy Origins
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Jarrow Formulas, Theanin 100, 100 mg, 60 rostlinných kapslí Veganské Dvojnásobná síla Podporuje relaxaci Non-GMO Bezlepkový Doplněk stravy Theanin je unikátní aminokyselina, která se také nachází v zeleném čaji a která má příznivé účinky na mozek...
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