Ubiquinol - Antioxidant a Metabolism

Ubiquinol is a powerful antioxidant that supports heart health and energy production . It helps in the formation of ATP, which improves physical performance and regeneration. Ubiquinol also protects cells from free radical damage. Great for those looking to improve athletic performance and overall vitality.

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1 085,00 
Ubichinol (ubiquinol) je redukovaná a aktivní forma koenzymu Q10 (CoQ10). Koenzym Q10 se nalézá ve všech buňkách těla, zejména ve vysokých koncentracích v srdci, a je nezbytný pro produkci mitochondriální energie a funguje jako vychytávač volných radikálů pocházejících z metabolismu tuků. Tyto vlastnosti činí z Ubiquinolu skvělý doplněk pro podporu výroby energie a ochrany před radikály např. v srdci, mozku a neuronech. Bylo prokázáno, že ubiquinol je vysoce biologicky dostupný a přidání MCT oleje (triglyceridy se středním řetězcem) k tomuto produktu přirozeně zlepšuje jeho rozpustnost a zvyšuje střevní absorpci a tím vytváří produkt s vynikající biologickou hodnotou.
By needsEnergy, Antioxidant, Anti-age BrandNow Foods
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1 092,00 
Ubichonol QH-Absorb + PQQ combines the reduced active form of coenzyme Q10 with PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), which supports the production of new mitochondria. This combination supports both heart and brain function.
By needsAntioxidant, Energy, Anti-age, Anti-inflammatory, Sleep BrandJarrow Formulas
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2 584,00 
Ubiquinol (ubiquinol) is a reduced and active form of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is found in all cells of the body, in high concentrations especially in the heart, and is essential for mitochondrial energy production and as a scavenger of free radicals originating from fat metabolism. These properties make Ubiquinol a great supplement for supporting energy production and protecting against free radicals in, for example, the heart, brain and neurons. Ubiquinol has been shown to be highly bioavailable and adding MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides) to this product naturally improves its solubility and increases intestinal absorption creating a great product with excellent biological value.
By needsAntioxidant, Energy, Anti-age BrandHealthy Origins
In stock
Ubiquinol (ubiquinol) is a reduced and active form of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is found in all cells of the body, in high concentrations especially in the heart, and is necessary for the production of mitochondrial energy and as a scavenger of free radicals originating from fat metabolism. These properties make Ubiquinol a great supplement for supporting energy production and protecting against free radicals in, for example, the heart, brain and neurons. Ubiquinol has been shown to be highly bioavailable and adding MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides) to this product naturally improves its solubility and increases intestinal absorption creating a great product with excellent biological value.
By needsEnergy, Antioxidant, Anti-age BrandHealthy Origins
In stock
1 129,00 
Ubiquinol (ubiquinol) is a reduced and active form of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is found in all cells of the body, in high concentrations especially in the heart, and is essential for mitochondrial energy production and as a scavenger of free radicals originating from fat metabolism. These properties make Ubiquinol a great supplement for supporting energy production and protecting against free radicals in, for example, the heart, brain and neurons. Ubiquinol has been shown to be highly bioavailable and adding MCT oil (Medium Chain Triglycerides) to this product naturally improves its solubility and increases intestinal absorption creating a great product with excellent biological value.
By needsAntioxidant, Energy, Anti-age BrandHealthy Origins
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