Zinc - Immune and Skin Support

Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a key role in many important body functions, including supporting the immune system , wound healing , and cell growth and division .

Zinc is present in a variety of foods, including animal sources such as meat , poultry , and seafood , as well as some plant sources such as legumes , nuts , and seeds .

Adults typically need around 8-12 milligrams (mg) of zinc per day .

However, in some situations, higher doses of zinc may be more appropriate:

  • When dealing with zinc deficiency, higher doses may be necessary to restore adequate levels of zinc in the body. The dosage prescribed by the doctor in a short period can range from 25-150 mg per day, depending on the severity of the deficiency.
  • In some cases, higher doses of zinc may be recommended to support immune function or promote wound healing. In such situations, doses in the range of 30-50 mg per day are commonly used.

Our range of zinc products includes different forms to suit different individual needs and preferences .

We highly recommend zinc bisglycinate as one of the best forms of zinc supplements on the market. This form is highly absorbable and gentle on the stomach , making it an ideal choice for people with digestive problems . Zinc bisglycinate is also chelated , meaning it is bound to an amino acid for better absorption and utilization by the body.

Conversely, some other forms of zinc supplements may be less effective or potentially harmful . For example, zinc oxide is a common form of zinc in many multivitamins and mineral supplements, but it has a low absorption rate and can cause digestive problems . Our range of zinc supplements includes not only zinc bisglycinate , but also other high-quality forms such as zinc picolinate or zinc glycinate. We carry products from top brands such as Now Foods , Doctor's Best, Jarrow Formulas , Nutraday and Nature's Way , so you can be confident in the quality and content of your zinc supplements.

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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
By ailmentsMenopause By needsBeauty from within, Mood, Artery protection, Cognitive support, Multivitamín, Hair growth, Hydratation, Methylation, Mineral, Overall wellness, Formulation, Anti-age, Blood flow, Replenishment, Immune support BrandNutraday
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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
By ailmentsMenopause By needsArtery protection, Formulation, Methylation, Replenishment, Beauty from within, Immune support, Cognitive support, Overall wellness, Hydratation, Mood, Anti-age, Blood flow, Multivitamín, Hair growth, Mineral BrandNutraday
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Zinc is received in food mainly thanks to the consumption of red meat. It is found in very limited quantities in other types of protein. Zinc is also very important for the formation of T. and many other processes. At higher doses of zinc, toxicity can begin to manifest itself, so it is necessary to keep the total intake below 50 mg of zinc per day. The form in which zinc is taken is also important, the most natural and least toxic is the chelated form of zinc, when zinc is bound to amino acids and easily absorbed by the body in this form. Zinc is essential for cell reproduction and is present in all tissues, organs and fluids of the body. In this product, it is available in an advanced amino acid chelate complex as zinc bisglycinate for optimal absorption.
By ailmentsAcne, Cold, Depression By needsImmune support BrandNature's Way
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Zinc is a mineral cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to protein and carbohydrate metabolism, RNA/DNA synthesis, and intercellular signaling. Zinc is essential for the normal function of many organs and systems in the body. The bioavailability of zinc, especially in a vegetarian diet, is relatively poor. The zinc bisglycinate chelate in this product offers excellent bioavailability and ease of use in a soft gelatin capsule in addition to valuable cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil.
By ailmentsAcne, Cold, Eczema, Depression By needsFertility, Cognitive support, Immune support BrandNow Foods
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Zinc is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of many systems and organs in the body, including the skeletal, immune, neurological and endocrine systems. Zinc is an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to protein and carbohydrate metabolism, RNA/DNA synthesis, and intercellular signaling. It also plays a critical role in the body's defense against oxidative stress and is useful for maintaining healthy aging. This product contains 50 mg of elemental zinc, so it is not suitable for long-term use . Can only be used short-term for a few days at a time.
By ailmentsEczema, Depression, Acne, Cold By needsImmune support, Fertility, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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PepZin GI is a complex of the mineral zinc and L-carnosine, which is associated with unique benefits. The unique chelation process used to produce PepZin GI provides long-term support for proper stomach function.
By ailmentsDigestion BrandDoctor's Best
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L-OptiZinc is a form of zinc complexed with the amino acid l-methionine. Research has shown that this form is well absorbed and retained in the body longer compared to many other zinc forms tested. This L-OptiZinc zinc from Now Foods also contains a small amount of copper, as zinc depletes copper in the body. This will be especially appreciated by those who do not receive sufficient amounts of copper in their diet, the requirements of which are increased when using a higher amount of zinc.
By ailmentsDepression, Acne, Cold, Eczema By needsImmune support, Fertility, Cognitive support BrandNow Foods
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Tato produkt s hořčíkem a vápníkem v poměru 2:1 ve prospěch hořčíku je formulován tak, aby poskytoval možnost doplnění většího množství hořčíku pro ty, kteří chtějí těžit z benefitů dostatečné hladiny tohoto základního minerálu pro nervy, svaly a kosti. Zinek a vitamin D3 jsou součástí tohoto produktu pro jejich roli v metabolismu kostí.
By ailmentsStress, Menopause By needsMineral, Replenishment, Overall wellness, Multimineral, Immune support BrandNow Foods
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Gastro Comfort by Now Foods is designed to support the good condition of the stomach walls. It primarily contains the clinically tested ingredient PepZin GI, a patented form of zinc complexed with carnosine, which has been observed to support the integrity of the stomach lining by promoting its own natural healing processes. Gastro Comfort also contains mastic, which is a resin from the pistacia lentiscus bush, which is traditionally used for the stomach in the Mediterranean region. In addition, this product also contains white elm and aloe vera to support the digestive system.
By ailmentsDigestion BrandNow Foods
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Zinc is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of many systems and organs in the body, including the skeletal, immune, neurological and endocrine systems. Zinc is an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to protein and carbohydrate metabolism, RNA/DNA synthesis, and intercellular signaling. It also plays a critical role in the body's defense against oxidative stress and is useful for maintaining healthy aging. This product contains 50 mg of elemental zinc, so it is not suitable for long-term use . Can only be used short-term for a few days at a time.
By ailmentsAcne, Cold, Eczema, Depression By needsCognitive support, Immune support, Fertility BrandNow Foods
The unique product from Nature's Way provides zinc in a suckable form with a fruit flavor, which is the best especially in the first hours of a cold, as it dissolves locally already in the mouth and throat. In addition to 26 mg of zinc, one lozenge also contains 100 mg of vitamin C and echinacea extract.
By ailmentsCold, Diabetes, Acne By needsImmune support BrandNature's Way
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Respir-All ™ je skvělá kombinace klíčových vitamínů, minerálů a bylinných výtažků, která nutričně podporuje správné dýchací funkce.
By ailmentsBreathing, Alergies By needsAnti-inflammatory BrandNow Foods
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Zinc Balance od Jarrow Formulas je synergická kombinace zinku L-methioninu a glukonátu měďnatého v poměru 15: 1 zinku k mědi. Zinek L-methionin odolává narušení absorpce z vlákniny a kyseliny fytové. Minerál zinek podporuje zdraví kostí a imunity. Jak zinek, tak měď jsou potřebné pro podporu aktivity superoxid dismutázy (SOD), která hraje rozhodující roli v endogenním antioxidačním systému těla.
By ailmentsAcne, Cold, Eczema, Diabetes By needsFertility, Cognitive support, Immune support BrandJarrow Formulas
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Zinc bisglycinate is a well-tolerated and highly bioavailable form of zinc specially chelated to ensure maximum absorption. Zinc is important to support healthy immune function, and since it cannot be produced by the body, it must be obtained through diet and supplements. This product contains 50 mg of elemental zinc, so it is suitable for short-term use.
By ailmentsAcne, Cold, Eczema, Depression By needsFertility, Cognitive support, Immune support BrandDoctor's Best
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Vynikající produkt Prenatal Essentials od Doctor’s Best představuje ideální doplněk stravy, který si starostlivá žena pro své dítě může dopřát. Obrovskou výhodou je mimo folát, cholin a methylkobalamin hlavně obsah omega kyseliny DHA, která je důležitá pro mozek a to všechno obsaženo v rostlinném softgelu. Tato vyživující směs přípravku Prenatal Essentials vám poskytne plnou doporučenou denní dávku cholinu (VitaCholine®) pro podporu nervového vývoje plodu. Cholin pomáhá zvyšovat dostupnost DHA, která spolupracuje s folátem (Quatrefolic®) v jeho nejvíce biologicky dostupné formě folátu IV. generace k další podpoře vývoje mozku a páteře plodu. Cholin a vitamin B12 dává matce více energie. U kojících žen doplňování cholinu podporuje podporuje dítě v pokračujícím růstu a vývoji mozku i po těhotenství.
By needsFertility, Cognitive support, Pregnancy BrandDoctor's Best
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Pohodlná a zábavná forma suplementace pro lidi, kteří mají problémy s polykáním kapslí nebo tablet. Lahodný způsob, jak podpořit svůj imunitní systém. Doplněk stravy ve formě gumových bonbónů se složením vitamínu C a zinku, vytvořený za účelem podpory imunitního systému a ochrany buněk před oxidativním stresem. Každý gumový medvídek obsahuje 30 mg vitamínu C a 2,5 mg zinku a přírodní citronové aroma. Každá láhev obsahuje 60 chutných gumových medvídků s citrónovou příchutí, vhodných pro děti i dospělé. Proč je vitamín C tak důležitý? Vitamin C musíme přijímat v dostatečné míře v potravě, protože naše tělo si ho nedokáže vyrobit. To znamená, že je musíme získávat z vnějších zdrojů, jako je ovoce a zelenina nebo pomocí doplňků stravy. Vitamin C přispívá k normální funkci imunitního systému, nervové soustavy a tvorbě kolagenu pro zdravou kůži, zuby, kosti, chrupavky, cévy a dásně. Může také pomoci zlepšit psychické funkce a snížit únavu a vyčerpání. Vitamin C je také pomáhá chránit před oxidativním stresem, který může snížit příznaky a závažnost nachlazení a jiných menších infekcí. Jak vám zinek prospívá? Vitamin C a zinek spolupracují při ochraně těla před infekcí a posilují imunitní systém. Dále přispívá k udržení normálního stavu vlasů, nehtů a pokožky a pomáhá chránit před oxidativním stresem. Proč může být vhodné suplementovat vitamín C + zinek ? - Vitamin C a zinek přispívají k normální funkci imunitního systému. - Vitamin C a zinek přispívají k ochraně buněk před oxidativním stresem. - Vitamin C přispívá k normálnímu energetickému metabolismu a zinek přispívá k metabolismu makroživin. - Vitamin C přispívá k normální tvorbě kolagenu pro normální funkci krevních cév, kostí, chrupavek, dásní, kůže a zubů. - Zinek přispívá k udržení normálního stavu kostí, vlasů, nehtů a pokožky.
NOW Foods, Vitamín C 1000 mg a zinek 15 mg, 90 rostlinných kapslí
Ušetříte 5%
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309,00  295,00 
You save: 14,00 Kč
NOW Foods, Vitamín C 1000 mg a zinek 15 mg, 90 rostlinných kapslí Sezónní podpůrná formulace Vitamin C + zinek Non-GMO GMP kvalita Vegetariánská/veganská Doplněk stravy   C-1000 Zinc Immune kombinuje vitamín C se zinkem pro silnou podporu imunitního...
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