Glycine - Sleep and Regeneration

Glycine is a versatile amino acid that plays a key role in various physiological processes in the body. It is considered a non-essential amino acid, meaning that the body can synthesize it, but it also obtains it from dietary sources. Glycine is involved in the synthesis of proteins, DNA and other important molecules, so it is necessary for the proper functioning of cells and tissues .

One of the key benefits of glycine is its involvement in promoting healthy sleep and relaxation . Glycine acts as a neurotransmitter in the brain, helping to regulate sleep-wake cycles and improving sleep quality . It has been shown to have a calming effect , reduce anxiety and promote a sense of relaxation . In addition to its role in sleep and relaxation, glycine has several other potential benefits. It supports the production of collagen , which is important for maintaining healthy skin, joints and connective tissues.

Glycine also contributes to the production of glutathione , a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress and supports overall immune function. Glycine occurs naturally in a variety of food sources, including meat , fish , dairy products , legumes , and some fruits and vegetables .

The recommended dosage of glycine can vary widely depending on specific goals and individual needs . For overall health and well-being, a typical dosage range is 1-3 grams per day. Higher doses may be used in certain applications such as cognitive support and others. Glycine is generally well tolerated and considered very safe for most people. It is a non-toxic amino acid and side effects are rare at normal dosage.

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Glycin je nejmenší a nejjednodušší aminokyselina a díky své struktuře je velmi univerzální pro použití v široké škále funkcí. Glycin je nezbytný pro produkci glutathionu, DNA, kreatinu, žluči, hemoglobinu a většiny proteinů. Glycin je také spolu s prolinem hlavní součástí kolagenu. Glycin navíc pomáhá podporovat ukládání glykogenu, díky čemuž je glukóza snadno dostupná ve svalech při potřebě energie. Glycin také působí jako uklidňující neurotransmiter v mozku.
By ailmentsFatigue By needsCognitive support, Sleep, Relaxation BrandNow Foods
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Glycine is the smallest and simplest amino acid, making it versatile for use in a wide variety of functions. Glycine is essential for the production of glutathione, DNA, creatine, bile, hemoglobin and most proteins. It also helps promote glycogen storage, making glucose readily available for energy production. Glycine also acts as a calming neurotransmitter in the brain, where it facilitates nerve impulses and is important for maintaining proper sleep patterns.
By ailmentsFatigue By needsCognitive support, Sleep, Relaxation BrandNow Foods
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