Selenium - Antioxidant and Cell Protection

Selenium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in supporting immunity and overall health . Selenium exists in various forms , the best being selenomethionine and selenium - rich yeast , each form having its own unique properties and bioavailability .

Selenomethionine is a form that combines selenium with the amino acid methionine , which increases its absorption and utilization by the body. Selenium yeast comes from brewer's yeast cultures that have accumulated selenium during growth and is therefore a completely natural selenium that is also used in many researches using high doses of selenium.

The recommended dosage of selenium varies depending on age , gender and specific health needs . For most adults, the recommended daily intake of selenium ranges from 55 to 200 micrograms . However, a higher selenium intake may be necessary for people with certain health conditions or as recommended by health professionals. However, selenium intake should not exceed the tolerable upper intake level to avoid the risk of selenium toxicity .

A higher selenium intake may be recommended for individuals with specific health problems or deficiencies related to antioxidant activity, immune function, or thyroid health. When choosing a selenium supplement, it is important to choose a reputable brand that provides the appropriate form of selenium and dosage . Maintaining a well-balanced diet that includes foods rich in selenium, such as Brazil nuts, seafood, poultry, and whole grains, is generally sufficient to meet the daily requirement of a lower selenium intake.

One Brazil nut typically contains about 68 to 91 micrograms of selenium. The selenium content of brazil nuts can vary depending on factors such as the soil conditions in which they are grown. But it is important not to overdo it even with these selenium-rich foods, as a handful of brazil nuts can mean exceeding the recommended dose many times over and lead to adverse effects.

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Selenium is an essential mineral element found in soil and water. Plants and yeast naturally convert selenium into organically bound amino acid mineral complexes. For better absorbability and bioavailability, SelenoExcell selenium in this product is in an organically bound natural form. SelenoExcell is the high-selenium yeast formulation used in many clinical studies.
Dle potížíAkné, Prostata Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Minerál, Ochrana DNA BrandHealthy Origins
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Klinicky studovaný organicky vázaný selen značky SelenoExcell. Jedná se o stejný organický selen ze selenových kvasnic v přirozené formě jako v produktu SelenoExcell 200 mcg, 180 kapslí, ale zde v malých tabletkách.
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