PQQ - Mitochondria and Energy

PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)   is a special supplement for improving mitochondrial function and increasing energy . It contains natural substances that support the health and growth of mitochondria. PQQ also supports heart and brain health.

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PQQ (pyrroloquinoline-quinone) is an important mitochondrial growth factor . Mitochondria are indispensable for providing energy for the cell and their number affects the capacity of the organism. PQQ is a natural compound that can be found in small amounts in many foods, including breast milk. The complex of compounds in this product includes, in addition to PQQ itself, also coenzyme Q10, vitamin b12 (methylcobalamin) and indispensable Acetyl l-carnitine, thus forming a very effective combination for mitochondria.
By ailmentsDepression By needsEnergy, Cognitive support, Anti-age BrandNow Foods
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1 092,00 
Ubichonol QH-Absorb + PQQ combines the reduced active form of coenzyme Q10 with PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), which supports the production of new mitochondria. This combination supports both heart and brain function.
By needsAnti-age, Anti-inflammatory, Sleep, Antioxidant, Energy BrandJarrow Formulas
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PQQ (pyrrolochinolin chinon) je v minimálních množstvích přirozeně obsažen v potravě. Je antioxidační činidlo, která podporuje vznik nových mitochondrií spolu s podporou srdce a mozkových funkcí.
By ailmentsFatigue, Stress By needsAnti-inflammatory, Anti-age, Sleep BrandJarrow Formulas
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PQQ (pyrrolochinolin chinon) je polyfenol, nacházející se v malém množství přirozeně v potravě. Jedná se o malou molekulu, o které se jednu dobu myslelo, že jde o vitamín, což bylo později u lidí vyvráceno. PQQ funguje jako enzymatický kofaktor důležitý pro ochranu a vznik nových mitochondrií produkujících energii.
By needsPhysical Strength, Anti-age BrandNow Foods
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