Minerals - Essential Nutritional Supplements

Minerals are inorganic substances that are also necessary for the proper functioning of the body and for the formation of bones , teeth , blood cells , enzymes , hormones , the nervous system , and the immune system . At Nutraday, you will find minerals in different forms and dosages to suit your needs.

Minerals are divided into two types: macrominerals and trace elements . Macrominerals are minerals that the body needs in amounts greater than 100 mg per day , such as calcium , magnesium , phosphorus , sodium , potassium , chlorine , and sulfur .

Trace elements are minerals that the body needs in amounts less than 100 mg per day, such as iron , zinc , copper , manganese , chromium , selenium , iodine , fluorine , cobalt , molybdenum , and others.

Minerals must be obtained from food or dietary supplements , as the body cannot produce them on its own. Lack of minerals can cause various health problems , such as disorders of bones , teeth , blood pressure , heart rhythm , convulsions , anemia , immunity , metabolism , growth , development , fertility or psyche .

Excess minerals can also be harmful , especially trace elements that can accumulate in the body and cause toxicity . Therefore, it is important to follow the recommended daily doses of minerals and not to abuse dietary supplements.

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Magnesium malate is a mineral that contributes to normal mental activity, normal energy metabolism, bone mineralization and also to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. It supports normal muscle activity, protein synthesis and contributes to maintaining the normal condition of teeth and bones. Magnesium serves as a cofactor for approximately 300 enzymes. It is also involved in the process of cell division. Magnesium malate is a fully reacted mineral food supplement. Contains at least 60% malic acid. Malate (malic acid) is an important intermediate in the Krebs cycle of cellular energy production.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyEnergie, Celkové zdraví, Doplnění, Minerál BrandNow Foods
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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyKrása zevnitř, Nálada, Ochrana cév, Kognitivní podpora, Multivitamín, Růst vlasů, Hydratace, Methylace, Minerál, Celkové zdraví, Formulace, Anti-age, Prokrvení, Doplnění, Posílení imunity BrandNutraday
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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyOchrana cév, Formulace, Methylace, Doplnění, Krása zevnitř, Posílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora, Celkové zdraví, Hydratace, Nálada, Anti-age, Prokrvení, Multivitamín, Růst vlasů, Minerál BrandNutraday
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Premium magnesium in the form of malate, without the adverse side effects of other forms. Thanks to the high concentration of magnesium malate, only 1-2 capsules per day are sufficient. Added synergistic ingredients such as vitamin D3, K1, B1 and C plus a low dose of selenium in a well-absorbable form make it an ideal mineral supplement. The product is intended as a stand-alone product, but ideal nutrient coverage can be achieved by combining this product with D3 & K2 Complex. It supplies, among other things, important natural Vitamin K2, Zinc bisglycinate, Boron, Silicon and further strengthens the synergy between magnesium and vitamins D and K. By combining these products, you can achieve an ideal multivitamin in ideal doses and without unwanted and redundant elements.
Dle potížíKřeče, Stres Podle potřebyRelaxace, Posílení imunity, Fitness, Ochrana cév, Energie, Multiminerál, Celkové zdraví, Minerál, Formulace BrandNutraday
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Magnesium threonate is the newest form of magnesium, the production of which is patented, and which consists of a unique combination of the mineral magnesium and threonate (metabolite of vitamin C). Magnesium is an indispensable mineral for modern times, it serves as a cofactor in a large number of body processes and is also indispensable for the metabolism of bones and the nervous system. The advantage of L-threonate, the most advanced form of magnesium, is its easy absorption through the brain barrier. This makes it very different from other magnesium products (including otherwise well-absorbed forms such as malate, bisglycinate, etc.). Due to its higher price and lower content of elemental magnesium compared to other forms, magnesium threonate is not very suitable for supplementing magnesium in case of a total magnesium deficiency. On the contrary, it is suitable for its unique cognitive effect on the brain and nervous system. The latest research has also revealed an unexpected application of threonate for hair restoration and growth.
Dle potížíUši, Stres Podle potřebyNootropika, Paměť, Relaxace, Kognitivní podpora, Spánek BrandNow Foods
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Magnesium bisglycinate is composed of magnesium bound to two molecules of the amino acid glycine. Thanks to this, it is easily absorbed by the body. Glycine is an important amino acid for the body. Here is magnesium bisglycinate in pure natural high quality powder form. Can be easily dissolved in water or other soft drink.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Minerál, Doplnění BrandNow Foods
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Zinc is received in food mainly thanks to the consumption of red meat. It is found in very limited quantities in other types of protein. Zinc is also very important for the formation of T. and many other processes. At higher doses of zinc, toxicity can begin to manifest itself, so it is necessary to keep the total intake below 50 mg of zinc per day. The form in which zinc is taken is also important, the most natural and least toxic is the chelated form of zinc, when zinc is bound to amino acids and easily absorbed by the body in this form. Zinc is essential for cell reproduction and is present in all tissues, organs and fluids of the body. In this product, it is available in an advanced amino acid chelate complex as zinc bisglycinate for optimal absorption.
Dle potížíAkné, Nachlazení, Deprese Podle potřebyPosílení imunity BrandNature's Way
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Bór pomáhá předcházet ztrátě vápníku, hořčíku a fosforu močí a podílí se také na metabolismu vitaminu D3. Vyskytuje se především v ovoci, zelenině, luštěninách a ořechách, pokud je ho při pěstování dostatek v půdě. Tento produkt je pečlivě testován a vyroben podle nejvyšší kvality.
Dle potížíKřeče Podle potřebyMinerál, Hormonální rovnováha BrandNature's Way
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Premium magnesium in the form of malate, without the adverse side effects of other forms. Thanks to the high concentration of magnesium malate, only 1-2 capsules per day are sufficient. Added synergistic ingredients such as vitamin D3, K1, B1 and C plus a low dose of selenium in a well-absorbable form make it an ideal mineral supplement. The product is intended as a stand-alone product, but ideal nutrient coverage can be achieved by combining this product with D3 & K2 Complex. It supplies, among other things, important natural Vitamin K2, Zinc bisglycinate, Boron, Silicon and further strengthens the synergy between magnesium and vitamins D and K. By combining these products, you can achieve an ideal multivitamin in ideal doses and without unwanted and redundant elements.
Dle potížíStres, Křeče Podle potřebyMultiminerál, Posílení imunity, Relaxace, Ochrana cév, Celkové zdraví, Formulace, Energie, Minerál, Fitness BrandNutraday
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This high-quality product contains elemental magnesium chelated with the amino acids glycine and lysine. As an essential mineral, magnesium has many key roles in the body, including the proper function of the nervous system, energy metabolism, protein synthesis, and supporting the proper condition of bones and teeth. It participates in the body as a cofactor in more than 300 important processes. The magnesium in this product is fully bound to two important amino acids, lysine and glycine, which is an effective carrier of minerals, facilitating absorption in the intestinal tract.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyDoplnění, Minerál, Celkové zdraví BrandDoctor's Best
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Magnesium bisglycinate chelate is a highly bioavailable, low molecular weight magnesium that has been the subject of many studies. The quality of TRAACS brand chelated minerals from Albion Minerals means the highest quality.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Minerál, Doplnění BrandHealthy Origins
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Magnesium in citrate form is much more absorbable than the most commonly available oxide form. On the other hand, it does not contain such an amount of elemental magnesium. Overall, however, it is a well-studied, bioavailable form of magnesium suitable for supplementation. However, in larger quantities it can have laxative effects. Magnesium is a mineral that contributes to normal mental activity, normal energy metabolism and also to the reduction of fatigue and exhaustion. It also supports normal muscle activity and contributes to maintaining the normal condition of teeth and bones. Magnesium acts as a cofactor for more than 300 enzymes. Through them, it contributes, among other things, to normal protein synthesis. Magnesium is also involved in the process of cell division.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyMinerál, Celkové zdraví, Doplnění BrandNow Foods
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Zinc is a mineral cofactor in hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to protein and carbohydrate metabolism, RNA/DNA synthesis, and intercellular signaling. Zinc is essential for the normal function of many organs and systems in the body. The bioavailability of zinc, especially in a vegetarian diet, is relatively poor. The zinc bisglycinate chelate in this product offers excellent bioavailability and ease of use in a soft gelatin capsule in addition to valuable cold-pressed pumpkin seed oil.
Dle potížíEkzémy, Akné, Deprese, Nachlazení Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Plodnost, Posílení imunity BrandNow Foods
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Selenium is an essential mineral element found in soil and water. Plants and yeast naturally convert selenium into organically bound amino acid mineral complexes. For better absorbability and bioavailability, SelenoExcell selenium in this product is in an organically bound natural form. SelenoExcell is the high-selenium yeast formulation used in many clinical studies.
Dle potížíProstata, Akné Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Minerál, Ochrana DNA BrandHealthy Origins
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Hořčík je minerál, který je velmi důležitý pro produkci energie, metabolismus, svalovou kontrakci, přenos nervových impulsů a mineralizaci kostí. Je to nezbytný kofaktor pro přibližně 300 enzymů. Mezi reakce katalyzované těmito enzymy patří syntéza mastných kyselin, syntéza proteinů a metabolismus glukózy. Hořčík je také důležitý pro regulaci vápníkové rovnováhy a příštítné žlázy. Hořčík citrát s malátem a glycinátem se snadno vstřebává a měkké želatinové jsou vyráběny v tekuté bázi s chelátovými formami hořčíku pro vynikající biologickou dostupnost.
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Boron is a biologically active trace mineral that affects the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron is known to support bone strength and structure.
Dle potížíZáněty, Bolest, Křeče, Menstruace Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Minerál, Hormonální rovnováha BrandNow Foods
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Přeslička rolní (Equisetum arvense) je oblíbená především jako zdroj křemene, který je silně koncentrovaný ve stoncích přesličky. Anglické jméno horsetail pochází z podoby zralé rostliny, která se podobá ocasu koně.
Podle potřebyKrása zevnitř BrandNature's Way
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Zinc is an essential mineral for the normal functioning of many systems and organs in the body, including the skeletal, immune, neurological and endocrine systems. Zinc is an essential cofactor for hundreds of enzymatic reactions related to protein and carbohydrate metabolism, RNA/DNA synthesis, and intercellular signaling. It also plays a critical role in the body's defense against oxidative stress and is useful for maintaining healthy aging. This product contains 50 mg of elemental zinc, so it is not suitable for long-term use . Can only be used short-term for a few days at a time.
Dle potížíEkzémy, Deprese, Akné, Nachlazení Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Plodnost, Kognitivní podpora BrandNow Foods
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Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyMultiminerál, Minerál BrandNow Foods
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1 065,00 
Magnesium is an indispensable mineral, important as a cofactor in more than a hundred body processes and as an element complementary to other minerals. Magnesium deficiency is much more common than calcium deficiency, which is often added to products of daily consumption. The form of magnesium taken is also important, for example magnesium oxide, which is mostly available in effervescent capsules, is only taken by the body from approx. 5%. Some better forms of magnesium, such as magnesium bound to amino acids, are much better absorbed by the body. A special form of magnesium is the form linked to the amino acid threonate (l-threonate), the production of which is patented and the only one that penetrates the brain barrier at the same time. Therefore, it can act directly in the brain to improve cognitive processes, calm nerves and improve sleep. Threonate, which occurs as a metabolite of vitamin C, has an interesting effect on its own. If this product is sold out, it can be replaced with Magnesium Threonate .
Dle potížíUši, Stres Podle potřebyNootropika, Paměť, Relaxace, Kognitivní podpora, Spánek BrandDoctor's Best
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Podle potřebyDoplnění BrandNow Foods
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Rychle rozpustný plně aktivní B12 je příjemně chutnající a rychle působící formou vitamínu B12, který je zde jako methylkobalamin, nejvíce biochemicky aktivní forma B12. Vitamín B12 se podílí na procesu dělení buněk a tvory červených krvinek, přispívá ke snížení míry únavy a vyčerpání, normální psychické činnosti a funkci imunitního systému a normálnímu metabolismu homocysteinu.
Dle potížíHomocystein Podle potřebyMethylace BrandDoctor's Best
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Magnesium is a mineral that is very important for energy production, metabolism, muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses and bone mineralization. It is an essential cofactor for approximately 300 enzymes. Reactions catalyzed by these enzymes include fatty acid synthesis, protein synthesis, and glucose metabolism. Magnesium is also important for regulating calcium balance and the parathyroid gland. Magnesium Citrate with Malate and Glycinate is easily absorbed and the soft gelatins are made in a liquid base with chelated forms of magnesium for excellent bioavailability. This product combines all the great forms of magnesium to provide 166 mg of elemental magnesium in one softgel capsule, which is more than magnesium malate alone.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyDoplnění, Minerál, Celkové zdraví BrandNow Foods
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Potassium is an essential mineral that is widely present in many food sources. Particularly high amounts can be found in some types of fruit and vegetables and especially in bananas. Potassium is an important factor, together with sodium, for the balance of electrons and cellular fluids, as well as for maintaining ph balance. It is also essential for proper muscle contraction, proper heart function, and the transmission of nerve impulses. Potassium in the form of citrate is well absorbed and represents a bioavailable form of potassium.
Podle potřebyMinerál, Prokrvení BrandNow Foods
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Unfortunately, many children and adolescents do not receive the recommended 800 mg of calcium and 375 mg of magnesium that they need daily due to an insufficiently varied diet. Kid Cal Chewables from Now Foods are tasty chewable lozenges that kids will enjoy and make it easy for them to get the calcium, magnesium and vitamin D they need. The natural taste of sour orange is easy for children to like.
Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Doplnění BrandNow Foods
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Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex is a pure and standardized extract containing at least 60% fulvic acid complex with high levels of dibenzo-a-pyrones and dibenzo-a-pyrone chromoproteins. These special compounds are active in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex works with coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria to increase energy production in brain and muscle tissues during exercise.
Dle potížíZáněty, Cholesterol, Alergie Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Plodnost, Paměť, Minerál, Celkové zdraví BrandJarrow Formulas
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PepZin GI is a complex of the mineral zinc and L-carnosine, which is associated with unique benefits. The unique chelation process used to produce PepZin GI provides long-term support for proper stomach function.
Dle potížíZažívání BrandDoctor's Best
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Iron is an essential mineral that plays a central role in energy production, immune system functioning and cognitive status. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen to the body's cells, and myoglobin, which binds oxygen used in muscle tissues. The iron in this product is chelated in the form of iron bisglycinate, which is clinically proven to have excellent absorption and is well tolerated because it is gentle and does not cause constipation and tract irritation.
Dle potížíMenstruace Podle potřebyTěhotenství BrandNow Foods
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Swanson Magnesium Taurate is an interesting combination of magnesium and taurine, delivering both important nutrients in a fully reacted complex.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyMinerál, Doplnění, Celkové zdraví
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L-OptiZinc is a form of zinc complexed with the amino acid l-methionine. Research has shown that this form is well absorbed and retained in the body longer compared to many other zinc forms tested. This L-OptiZinc zinc from Now Foods also contains a small amount of copper, as zinc depletes copper in the body. This will be especially appreciated by those who do not receive sufficient amounts of copper in their diet, the requirements of which are increased when using a higher amount of zinc.
Dle potížíEkzémy, Akné, Nachlazení, Deprese Podle potřebyPlodnost, Posílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora BrandNow Foods
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High Absorption Iron with Ferrochel is highly absorbable and bioavailable iron from the Ferrochel brand, which is 100% chelated. Thanks to this, it achieves high bioavailability and prevents nausea and digestive problems that are commonly caused by iron supplementation. Chelation allows iron to easily pass through the intestinal wall, where the minerals are optimally absorbed. Iron is an essential mineral that helps in the normal production of red blood cells. It is an important component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron also plays an important role in the metabolism of folic acid, which is important for the development of the fetal nervous system. Anemia in pregnant women is associated with low birth weight and preterm birth. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Ferrochel Iron is chelated with glycine amino acids, which ensures high absorption and increased tolerability.
Dle potížíMenstruace Podle potřebyTěhotenství BrandDoctor's Best
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Tato produkt s hořčíkem a vápníkem v poměru 2:1 ve prospěch hořčíku je formulován tak, aby poskytoval možnost doplnění většího množství hořčíku pro ty, kteří chtějí těžit z benefitů dostatečné hladiny tohoto základního minerálu pro nervy, svaly a kosti. Zinek a vitamin D3 jsou součástí tohoto produktu pro jejich roli v metabolismu kostí.
Dle potížíStres, Menopauza Podle potřebyMultiminerál, Posílení imunity, Minerál, Doplnění, Celkové zdraví BrandNow Foods
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