Quercetin - Now Foods

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695,00  556,00 
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Bromelain is a digestive enzyme extracted from pineapples, mainly from the stem and unripe fruit. To support digestion, it is taken with food and to act as a systemic enzyme, it is taken on an empty stomach between meals. Bromelain is produced by cooling pineapple juice, followed by centrifugation, ultrafiltration and freeze-drying. Quercetin is the most studied of all bioflavonoids. It is contained in a large number of fruits and vegetables, but its biggest sources are apples and onions. Quercetin is usually not very effective on its own, but its synergies with a large number of other substances are interesting. For example, it increases the absorbability of the catechins EGCG from green tea or curcumin, an extract from the turmeric plant.
Dle potížíAlergie, Záněty, Sezónní rýma Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Protizánětlivé BrandNow Foods
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Respir-All ™ je skvělá kombinace klíčových vitamínů, minerálů a bylinných výtažků, která nutričně podporuje správné dýchací funkce.
Dle potížíDýchání, Alergie Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé BrandNow Foods
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1 330,00 
Quercetin is a naturally occurring free radical scavenger that supports healthy seasonal immune system function. Studies show that quercetin may also support normal respiratory function. Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapple and has a long history of use. It helps support a balanced response of the immune system to environmental challenges. This combination can thus support year-round good respiratory conditions and overall comfort.
Dle potížíAlergie, Záněty Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Posílení imunity BrandNow Foods
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