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Pycnogenol® is a broad-spectrum health aid thanks to an extremely effective combination of many bioflavonoids and polyphenols Horphag Research's patented maritime pine extract consists of 65-75% procyanidins, containing catechins and epicatechins of various lengths. Among these and other rare substances are the metabolites of Pycnogenol, which are created only in the body, and which are responsible for some unique effects. Together, these components work synergistically to provide a greater benefit than either alone. Pycnogenol is a world-renowned product with a multifaceted effect supported by many clinical studies. The patented extract contained in this product contains a high amount of 100 mg of Pycnogenol® in each capsule at a very favorable price. So this is a dose for 1 to 2 months at the best price/mg ratio of Pycnogenol on the market. Favorite product for those who expect great results: Athletes will especially appreciate its effect on NO (nitric oxide) Elderly people, smokers and people prone to clogging of blood vessels looking for protection for the vascular system. It is also an indispensable part of skin care, thanks to its effect on skin elasticity, which almost no other product can boast. In some areas, Pycnogenol can act synergistically with other products such as Vitamin C , l-Citrulline , EGCG , Curcumin .
Dle potížíProstata a erekce, Bolest, Alergie, Cholesterol, Otoky nohou, Diabetes, Menopauza Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Prokrvení, NO, Protizánětlivé, Celkové zdraví, Ochrana cév ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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Quatrefolic® is a form of metabolized folate that the body owns and can use. This is vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid. The common form of this vitamin is synthetic folic acid, which is not the body's own substance and must be metabolized and methylated into a form that the body can use. Surprisingly, even folate, which is contained in fresh leafy vegetables, must be methylated before it can be used. Most multivitamins and preparations with folic acid contain, in the vast majority of cases, a cheap synthetic form - folic acid. However, doctors recommend the methylated form, i.e. folate, but the disadvantage is the higher price. A sufficient amount of folate is important both at the time of conception and at the very beginning of pregnancy, as its deficiency increases the risk of certain disorders. Its sufficient amount in the body is also very important, because in the first month a woman often does not even know that she is already pregnant. Supplementing with folate using a reduced, body-own version of folate from the brand Quatrefolic is a convenient way to supply increased amounts of folate during or before possible conception. We do not recommend folic acid / folate / vitamin b9 for people, especially for long-term use.
Dle potížíHomocystein Podle potřebyTěhotenství ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Premium magnesium in the form of malate, without the adverse side effects of other forms. Thanks to the high concentration of magnesium malate, only 1-2 capsules per day are sufficient. Added synergistic ingredients such as vitamin D3, K1, B1 and C plus a low dose of selenium in a well-absorbable form make it an ideal mineral supplement. The product is intended as a stand-alone product, but ideal nutrient coverage can be achieved by combining this product with D3 & K2 Complex. It supplies, among other things, important natural Vitamin K2, Zinc bisglycinate, Boron, Silicon and further strengthens the synergy between magnesium and vitamins D and K. By combining these products, you can achieve an ideal multivitamin in ideal doses and without unwanted and redundant elements.
Dle potížíStres, Křeče Podle potřebyFormulace, Relaxace, Posílení imunity, Fitness, Ochrana cév, Energie, Multiminerál, Celkové zdraví, Minerál ZnačkaNutraday
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5-HTP (5-hydroxy L-tryptofan) je přirozeně se vyskytující metabolit aminokyseliny tryptofan. 5-HTP slouží jako prekurzor a je přeměněn v mozku na serotonin. Serotonin je neurotransmiter,který přenáší nervové vzruchy mezi neurony. Serotonin hraje roli v regulaci spánku, nálady, chuti a sexuality. 5-HTP v tomto produktu je extrahován ze semen rostliny Griffonia simplicifolia. Vitamín B6 se účastní přeměny 5-HTP na serotonin a spolu s vitamínem C se vhodně doplňují.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebySerotonin, Nálada, Kognitivní podpora, Relaxace, Spánek ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Ashwagandha is a valued herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwagandha in translation means, among other things, "the smell of a horse", which is related to the strong smell of the crushed root, which is traditionally used. Among the active substances in ashwagandha are mainly Withanone, Withaferin A, Withanolides and other complexes and variants thereof. Different dietary supplements contain very different amounts of active withanolides, which is due to different raw materials and processing processes, so it is important that the extract is standardized to a certain percentage of total withanolides. Due to the very unpleasant taste of the powder, ashwagandha in capsules is the easiest way to take it.
Dle potížíUši, Únava, Libido muži, Stres, Deprese, Libido ženy Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Adaptogen ZnačkaNow Foods
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Podle potřebyProkrvení ZnačkaNow Foods
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Biotin je ve vodě rozpustný vitamín nezbytný pro normální růst buněk a tělesnou funkci. Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin. Vedle své role ve výrobě energie biotin zvyšuje syntézu některých proteinů. Navíc biotin podporuje zdravou funkci imunitního systému a hraje důležitou roli v ochraně pokožky.
Podle potřebyRůst vlasů ZnačkaNow Foods
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Inositol is an indispensable member of the B complex family found in both animal and plant foods. The form of inositol in this product is Myo-Inositol, the most abundant form of this nutrient. Inositol is found in all cell membranes with the highest concentration in the brain and central nervous system, where it plays an important role in neurotransmitter signaling. Inositol is also important for the proper action of insulin, fat metabolism and maintaining calcium balance in cells.
Dle potížíKrevní cukr, Stres, Uši Podle potřebyRelaxace, Plodnost ZnačkaNow Foods
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Premium magnesium in the form of malate, without the adverse side effects of other forms. Thanks to the high concentration of magnesium malate, only 1-2 capsules per day are sufficient. Added synergistic ingredients such as vitamin D3, K1, B1 and C plus a low dose of selenium in a well-absorbable form make it an ideal mineral supplement. The product is intended as a stand-alone product, but ideal nutrient coverage can be achieved by combining this product with D3 & K2 Complex. It supplies, among other things, important natural Vitamin K2, Zinc bisglycinate, Boron, Silicon and further strengthens the synergy between magnesium and vitamins D and K. By combining these products, you can achieve an ideal multivitamin in ideal doses and without unwanted and redundant elements.
Dle potížíStres, Křeče Podle potřebyFormulace, Energie, Minerál, Fitness, Multiminerál, Posílení imunity, Relaxace, Ochrana cév, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNutraday
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5-HTP (5-hydroxy L-tryptophan) is a metabolic intermediate between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin. Now Foods 5-HTP is extracted from the seed of the African plant Griffonia simplicifolia and works as a serotonin precursor.
Dle potížíStres Podle potřebyNálada, Kognitivní podpora, Hubnutí, Relaxace, Serotonin, Spánek ZnačkaNow Foods
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Choline and Inositol are members of the B group of vitamins. Choline is essential for normal synaptic transmission, cell membrane integrity and fatty acid metabolism in the liver. Inositol is also important for brain and nervous system health. Choline and inositol are essential components of all cell membranes.
Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Doplnění, Učení, Paměť ZnačkaNow Foods
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Ashwagandha in the protected Sensorill™ formulation is more focused on brain activity than the standard formulation. This is a special broad-spectrum extract from the root and leaves of Ashwagandha, which is 8 times stronger than ordinary ground Ashwagandha powder. It not only contains both underground and aerial parts of ashwagandha, but is also standardized to 10% withanolides, which is an incomparably higher amount compared to ordinary ground ashwagandha products. Ashwagandha is a prized herb used in Ayurvedic medicine. Ashwaganda also means "horse smell" in translation, which is related to the strong smell of the crushed root, which is traditionally used. Among the active substances in ashwagandha are mainly Withanone, Withaferin A, Withanolides and their various complexes and variants. Different dietary supplements contain very different amounts of active withanolides, which is due to different raw materials and processing processes, so it is important that the extract is standardized to a certain percentage of total withanolides. This product has even 4 times the concentration of total withanolides compared to another already high quality Ashwagandha product from our range and incomparably higher than ordinary Ashwagandha products. The only disadvantage of this product compared to others in the offer is the slightly higher price per mg of ashwagandha, but this is redeemed by a better composition, which is patented and supported by studies using this standardized formulation. Due to the absence of unpleasant taste and smell, Ashwagandha in capsules is the best way to use it.
Dle potížíUši, Stres, Deprese Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Nootropika ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is a well-known and highly valued herb, especially in Central America and Mexico, where it has been traditionally used for various problems for centuries. It is an aromatic shrub originating in the deserts of North America. Herbal collectors are often used as tea. Damiana in this product is harvested in pristine areas of Mexico in the original way. This Damiana is produced according to certified quality standards with a high content of 400 mg per capsule and contains premium quality dry matter.
Dle potížíLibido ženy Podle potřebyPlodnost ZnačkaNature's Way
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
Dle potížíStres, Uši Podle potřebySerotonin, Kognitivní podpora, Relaxace, Spánek, Nálada ZnačkaNow Foods
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Jetel luční je kvetoucí rostlina, která prosperuje v loukách a polích v celé Evropě, Severní Americe a severní a střední Asii. Je často zmíňována v tradičních lékařských textech východní a západní civilizace na různé obtíže.
Dle potížíMenopauza, Uši, Deprese Podle potřebySpánek, Relaxace, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Kořeny rostliny angelica sinesis (Dong Quai) byly po tisíce let vysoce ceněné asijskými herbalisty. Dong Quai je tradičně známý jako tonizující rostlina pro ženský reprodukční systém.
Dle potížíLibido ženy Podle potřebyPlodnost ZnačkaNow Foods
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Tento prášek s kolagenními peptidy pochází z hovězího dobytka krmeného pouze trávou a volně se pasoucími na pastvinách, aby byl zajištěn vysoce kvalitní a udržitelný zdroj této účinné složky. Kolagen se nachází ve všech našich pojivových tkáních, šlachách, vazech a kostech, jejichž účelem je poskytnout těmto částem těla jejich sílu, strukturu a pružnost. Postupným stárnutím se tělo stává méně efektivní při produkci kolagenu, a proto se doporučuje přidat do své stravy vhodný kolagen.
Podle potřebyKrása zevnitř, Doplnění, Pohyblivost kloubů, Celkové zdraví
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Iron is an essential mineral that plays a central role in energy production, immune system functioning and cognitive status. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen to the body's cells, and myoglobin, which binds oxygen used in muscle tissues. The iron in this product is chelated in the form of iron bisglycinate, which is clinically proven to have excellent absorption and is well tolerated because it is gentle and does not cause constipation and tract irritation.
Dle potížíMenstruace Podle potřebyTěhotenství ZnačkaNow Foods
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Biotin je ve vodě rozpustný vitamin nezbytný pro normální vývoj a funkci těla. Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin. Biotin vedle své role při výrobě energie pomáhá zvyšit syntézu proteinů BCAA. Biotin navíc podporuje zdravou funkci nervového systému a zdraví pokožky.
Podle potřebyRůst vlasů ZnačkaNow Foods
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High Absorption Iron with Ferrochel is highly absorbable and bioavailable iron from the Ferrochel brand, which is 100% chelated. Thanks to this, it achieves high bioavailability and prevents nausea and digestive problems that are commonly caused by iron supplementation. Chelation allows iron to easily pass through the intestinal wall, where the minerals are optimally absorbed. Iron is an essential mineral that helps in the normal production of red blood cells. It is an important component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron also plays an important role in the metabolism of folic acid, which is important for the development of the fetal nervous system. Anemia in pregnant women is associated with low birth weight and preterm birth. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Ferrochel Iron is chelated with glycine amino acids, which ensures high absorption and increased tolerability.
Dle potížíMenstruace Podle potřebyTěhotenství ZnačkaDoctor's Best
Vital protein Marine Collagen, containing marine collagen from wild-caught whitefish off the coast of Alaska, offers support for your skin, hair, nails, bones and joints. It is made from one simple ingredient, has a neutral taste and is ideal for adding to water, smoothies, tea, coffee, and other drinks. Marine Collagen from Vital Proteins is easy to digest, mixes easily with hot or cold liquids and can be taken at any time of the day.
Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Doplnění, Krása zevnitř, Pohyblivost kloubů
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Doctor's Best pure collagen type 1 and 3 contains pure collagen protein that contributes to the growth and maintenance of healthy tissues. Collagen is a structural protein that is fundamentally responsible for the strength and flexibility of bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, hair, skin, nails and other tissues throughout the body. Collagen type 1 and 3 is enzymatically hydrolyzed into individual collagen peptides with a small molecular size for optimal absorption and use by the body. Thanks to the low molecular weight of the peptides, it provides improved collagen bioavailability.
Podle potřebyKrása zevnitř, Doplnění, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an herb that is widely used in Ayurveda, the traditional herbal system of India. Ashwagandha is used as a general tonic and adaptogen to help the body adapt to temporary stress. In addition, preliminary data suggest that ashwagandha supports the functioning of the immune system.
Dle potížíLibido ženy, Deprese, Únava, Libido muži, Stres, Uši Podle potřebyAdaptogen, Kognitivní podpora, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Pycnogenol Pine Extract: Small package Horphag Research's proprietary extract QMP quality Support for "beauty from within" Dietary supplement
Dle potížíOtoky nohou, Prostata a erekce, Cholesterol, Diabetes, Alergie, Menopauza, Bolest Podle potřebyNO, Celkové zdraví, Prokrvení, Protizánětlivé, Kognitivní podpora, Ochrana cév ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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Description Clinically Studied** Non-GMO Nature's Super Antioxidant Soy Free Look, Feel, and Live Better Supports Normal Circulatory Health French Maritime Pine Bark Extract Dietary Supplement Suitable for Vegetarians Pycnogenol is naturally...
Dle potížíProstata a erekce, Otoky nohou, Alergie, Cholesterol, Bolest, Diabetes, Menopauza Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Prokrvení, NO, Celkové zdraví, Ochrana cév, Protizánětlivé ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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Ashwagandha (withania somnifera) is used in the Indian traditional medicine of Ayurveda to improve muscle function and as a tonic to improve general health. Experimental studies show that Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that promotes resistance to physical, biological and chemical stress and promotes endurance, muscle regeneration, mental health.
Dle potížíStres, Libido muži, Uši, Libido ženy, Deprese Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Adaptogen, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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Swanson Apple Cider Vinegar contains a high dose of apple cider vinegar in each capsule for convenient use. Apple cider vinegar helps promote a healthy weight and reduce blood sugar fluctuations. Apple cider vinegar is a traditional home remedy made from fermented juice from crushed apples. Many people also use apple cider vinegar for its amount of vitamins and minerals and other substances contained in the apple. The taste of liquid apple cider vinegar is not for everyone and should not be overdone. Capsules with apple cider vinegar are a pleasant alternative to indulge in apple cider vinegar, regardless of where you go.
Podle potřebyHubnutí ZnačkaSwanson
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Inositol je molekula, která se běžně vyskytuje v potravě, jako je ovoce, zelenina, celozrnné obiloviny, mléko, maso, vejce a luštěniny. Bývá často označován jako vitamin ze skupiny B komplexu, ačkoliv jde spíše o pseudovitamín, jelikož je tělo ho částečně syntetizovat samo a není tedy zcela závislý na příjmu z potravy. Jedná se o prekurzor sloučenin známých jako fosoinositidy, které se podílejí na buněčné signalizaci. Je součástí buněčných membrán a procesů metabolismu tuků a cholesterolu. Je též velmi důležitý v oblasti reprodukčního systému u můžů i žen.
Dle potížíUši, Stres, Krevní cukr Podle potřebyPlodnost, Relaxace ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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A mixture of 9 well-known adaptogenic plants in one capsule.
Dle potížíStres, Únava Podle potřebyAdaptogen, Kognitivní podpora
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5-HTP is a metabolite between the amino acid L-tryptophan and serotonin, and is extracted from the plant Griffonia simplicifolia. This product contains twice as much 5-HTP (200 mg in one capsule) as compared to other 5-HTP from Now Foods and also contains inositol and the amino acids Glycine and Taurine. It also contains niacinamide (vitamin B3) and vitamin B6 in the recommended daily dose.
Dle potížíStres, Uši Podle potřebySerotonin, Relaxace, Nálada, Kognitivní podpora, Spánek ZnačkaNow Foods
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Pycnogenol is a natural extract derived from the bark of the maritime pine tree, which grows along the coast of southwestern France. Pycnogenol is rich in procyanidins, a special group of water-soluble flavonoids in a unique combination with bioflavonoids and phenolic acids that provide the body with a wide range of support. Pycnogenol is obtained from the bark of pine trees bred and grown exclusively in the forest of Les Landes de Gascogne in the south-west of France and has already been the subject of more than 100 published clinical studies.
Dle potížíMenopauza, Otoky nohou, Prostata a erekce, Diabetes, Alergie, Cholesterol, Bolest Podle potřebyProkrvení, NO, Kognitivní podpora, Protizánětlivé, Ochrana cév, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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Now Foods Mannose Cranberry is a combination of two ingredients known to support the urinary tract. Both D-mannose and proanthocyanidins (PACs) (the main active components of cranberries) have properties that support the maintenance of a clean urinary tract. This product contains a formulated blend of whole cranberry powder with a unique proanthocyanidin profile that has been shown to help maintain a healthy urinary tract with regular use.
Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé ZnačkaNow Foods
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