Vitamins and Minerals

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Softgely NOW® Vitamin D3 dodávají tento klíčový vitamin ve vysoce vstřebatelné tekuté formě měkkého gelu. Vhodný pro doplnění menšího množství vitaminu D při relativně dostatečném pobytu na slunci.
Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin D is one of the key vitamins. It is usually obtained from the diet or by exposing the skin to ultraviolet rays from the sun. However, a lack of this vitamin is very common these days and it is difficult to get enough from the sun's rays in the winter months or when using sunscreen. Vitamin D3 in this product is contained in an easily absorbable form in softgel capsules. Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth and also supports the proper functioning of the immune system.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora, Nálada, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin D can usually be obtained from food, but is primarily produced by the skin from ultraviolet energy from the Sun. However, food is not a good source of vitamin D3. During the winter, when working for a long time in the office and when using sunscreens, vitamin D supplementation becomes even more important. According to many studies, a large part of the population currently suffers from a lack of vitamin D3.
Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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Biotin je ve vodě rozpustný vitamin nezbytný pro normální vývoj a funkci těla. Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin. Biotin vedle své role při výrobě energie pomáhá zvyšit syntézu proteinů BCAA. Biotin navíc podporuje zdravou funkci nervového systému a zdraví pokožky.
Podle potřebyRůst vlasů ZnačkaNow Foods
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Biotin je ve vodě rozpustný vitamín nezbytný pro normální růst buněk a tělesnou funkci. Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin. Vedle své role ve výrobě energie biotin zvyšuje syntézu některých proteinů. Navíc biotin podporuje zdravou funkci imunitního systému a hraje důležitou roli v ochraně pokožky.
Podle potřebyRůst vlasů ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin B1, also known as thiamin, is part of the B vitamin family that occurs naturally in foods such as grains, beans, nuts, eggs and meat. Thiamine is involved in many bodily functions, including nervous system and muscle function, electrolyte flow in nerve and muscle cells, carbohydrate metabolism, and the production of hydrochloric acid, which is essential for proper digestion.
Dle potížíMenstruace, Krevní cukr, Závislost ZnačkaNow Foods
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Podle potřebyDoplnění ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) is one of the B vitamins and is important for the production of necessary coenzymes in the human body. It is also particularly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates (glucose), fats and amino acids. Vitamin B6 together with folate (natural folic acid) and vitamin B12 form a combination often used to reduce homocysteine. Good natural sources of vitamin B6 are, for example, meat, liver, mackerel or eggs. For this reason, vitamin B6 is among the vitamins whose deficiency is common especially among vegans and vegetarians. We do not recommend vitamin b6 for people, especially for long-term use.
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NOW Vitamin A&D, 100 softgel capsules Vitamin A 10,000 IU Vitamin D 400 IU Support for eye and bone health Non-GMO GMP quality Contains gelatin Dietary supplement Composition per 1 gel dose: Vitamin A (as retinyl palmitate) 3,000 mcg (375%*); Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol)...
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NOW Foods, C-500, Vitamin C, 500 mg with rose hips, 100 tablets Vitamin C 500 mg With rose hips Antioxidant protection Non-GMO GMP quality Vegetarian/Vegan Dietary supplement Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient well known for its essential role in...
Dle potížíNachlazení ZnačkaNow Foods
Now Foods žvýkací vitamín D3 dodává tento klíčový vitamin v chutné žvýkací formě. Vitamin D je nejčastěji získáván ze slunečního záření, ve stravě se však hojně nevyskytuje. U lidí, kteří se pravidelně nevystavují slunečnímu záření dostatečné intenzity je suplementace vitamínem D3 velmi důležitá.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Nálada, Posílení imunity, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin B2, also known as Riboflavin, is part of the group of B vitamins. It occurs naturally in some vegetables, liver, kidney, wheat germ, milk, eggs, cheese and fish. Riboflavin is an important cofactor of enzymes necessary for the production of energy from sugars, fats and proteins. It is also needed for the regeneration of glutathione, which supports the body's natural defense mechanisms and detoxification systems.
Dle potížíHomocystein Podle potřebyBolest hlavy ZnačkaNow Foods
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Inositol is an indispensable member of the B complex family found in both animal and plant foods. The form of inositol in this product is Myo-Inositol, the most abundant form of this nutrient. Inositol is found in all cell membranes with the highest concentration in the brain and central nervous system, where it plays an important role in neurotransmitter signaling. Inositol is also important for the proper action of insulin, fat metabolism and maintaining calcium balance in cells.
Dle potížíKrevní cukr, Stres, Uši Podle potřebyRelaxace, Plodnost ZnačkaNow Foods
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Niacinamide and niacin are two different forms of vitamin B3. Niacinamide does not cause side effects at higher doses. Nicotinamide (niacinamide) is a water-soluble form of niacin/vitamin B3. It is a derivative of niacin that does not cause the "flushes" usually associated with taking high doses of niacin. Niacinamide is readily converted to the bioactive forms of niacin, NAD+, NADH, NADP, and NADPH, which are important cofactors in cellular energy production and are important for maintaining cellular DNA stability.
Dle potížíCholesterol ZnačkaNow Foods
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Rychle rozpustný plně aktivní B12 je příjemně chutnající a rychle působící formou vitamínu B12, který je zde jako methylkobalamin, nejvíce biochemicky aktivní forma B12. Vitamín B12 se podílí na procesu dělení buněk a tvory červených krvinek, přispívá ke snížení míry únavy a vyčerpání, normální psychické činnosti a funkci imunitního systému a normálnímu metabolismu homocysteinu.
Dle potížíHomocystein Podle potřebyMethylace ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Vitamin D can usually be obtained from diet or from sunlight. However, it is not abundant in food. Since many people avoid sunlight, vitamin D supplementation is almost essential to ensure that the body receives an adequate supply of vitamin D.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Celkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Nálada ZnačkaNow Foods
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Now vitamin D3 in softgel capsules delivers this important vitamin in a highly absorbable liquid form enclosed in a softgel. Vitamin D is normally obtained from the diet or is produced by the skin from ultraviolet energy from the sun. However, it is not widely represented in food. As more and more people avoid sunlight, vitamin D supplementation is an easy way to get an adequate supply. Composition per dose of 1 softgel capsule: Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) (from lanolin) 125 mcg (2,000 IU) (1000%RHP*); *- Daily reference value of income. Other ingredients: Softgel capsules (beef gelatin, water, glycerin) and extra virgin olive oil. Not made with ingredients from yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, milk, egg, fish, seafood or nuts. Manufactured in a Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens. Dosage: 1 capsule once every two days, with food containing fat. Warning : For adults only. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Consult a doctor if you are pregnant/nursing, taking any medications (especially psoriasis medications or thiazide diuretics), or if you have medical conditions (especially hypercalcemia, kidney disease, or hyperparathyroidism). Keep out of reach of children. After opening, store in a cool, dry, dark place. It is not a substitute for a varied diet. Package contents: 120 softgel capsules
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Vitamin D3 2,000 IU in a softgel capsule from Healthy Origins is dissolved in a base of cold-pressed olive oil for maximum absorption. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps support the growth, development and maintenance of bones and teeth in both adults and children. It is also necessary for the proper absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus. In its active form, vitamin D helps regulate calcium levels in the blood and thereby regulate bone formation.
Dle potížíMenopauza Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Nálada, Posílení imunity, Doplnění ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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Iron is an essential mineral that plays a central role in energy production, immune system functioning and cognitive status. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen to the body's cells, and myoglobin, which binds oxygen used in muscle tissues. The iron in this product is chelated in the form of iron bisglycinate, which is clinically proven to have excellent absorption and is well tolerated because it is gentle and does not cause constipation and tract irritation.
Dle potížíMenstruace Podle potřebyTěhotenství ZnačkaNow Foods
The unique product from Nature's Way provides zinc in a suckable form with a fruit flavor, which is the best especially in the first hours of a cold, as it dissolves locally already in the mouth and throat. In addition to 26 mg of zinc, one lozenge also contains 100 mg of vitamin C and echinacea extract.
Dle potížíAkné, Nachlazení, Diabetes Podle potřebyPosílení imunity ZnačkaNature's Way
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Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin known for its essential role in the immune system. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen (a structural protein in connective tissue) and is therefore important for healthy skin, bones and joints. Vitamin C is needed for amino acid metabolism and utilization of many nutrients such as folic acid and iron. It is also a relatively effective antioxidant that can protect the body's cells and molecules from damage by free radicals and reactive oxygen species that occur during normal metabolism and exposure to environmental stressors.
Dle potížíNachlazení Podle potřebyMethylace, Celkové zdraví, Antioxidant, Prokrvení, Posílení imunity ZnačkaNow Foods
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It is a vitamin that the body naturally absorbs from the sun's rays, and which acts as a cofactor in many body processes. Among other things, it is important for the proper absorption of calcium in the body. It is also important for its joint functioning with vitamin K2. This results in a mutual regulation and together they ensure the correct storage of calcium so that it does not build up in blood vessels and the circulatory system. Apart from vitamin K2, other synergistic substances with vitamin D3 include especially vitamin C and some other micronutrients. Vitamin D3 in this product is contained in softgel capsules, filled with extra virgin olive oil, which ensures high absorbability of this fat-soluble vitamin.
Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Nálada, Kognitivní podpora, Doplnění, Posílení imunity ZnačkaNow Foods
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BetterYou DLux1000 je pohodlný denní orální sprej s vitaminem D. Speciálně formulované pro dodávání vitaminu D přímo do krevního oběhu pomáhá obcházet trávicí systém. Každý sprej DLux1000 produkuje oblak mikrokapiček, které pronikají do měkké tkáně vnitřní tváře a dodávají základní živiny do bohatého žilního systému níže. Mikroemulgovaný na optimální velikost kapiček a dodávku oblaku, zajišťující efektivní absorpci. Důležitost vitaminu D Vitamin D pomáhá podporovat zdravé kosti a zuby tím, že napomáhá vstřebávání vápníku, přispívá k imunitě tím, že přispívá ke zdravému fungování imunitního systému a pomáhá udržovat normální funkci svalů. Vzhledem k naší měnící se stravě a neustále se zvyšujícímu vnitřnímu životnímu stylu by měl každý dbát na to, aby udržoval zdravé hladiny vitaminu D po celý rok.
Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Doplnění ZnačkaBetterYou
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Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) is one of the B vitamins and is important for the production of necessary coenzymes in the human body. It is also particularly involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates (glucose), fats and amino acids. Vitamin B6 together with folate (natural folic acid) and vitamin B12 form a combination often used to reduce homocysteine. Good natural sources of vitamin B6 are, for example, meat, liver, mackerel or eggs. For this reason, vitamin B6 is among the vitamins whose deficiency is common especially among vegans and vegetarians. We do not recommend vitamin b6 for people, especially for long-term use.
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Vitamin D3 supports the transport and absorption of calcium. Vitamin K is important for working together with vitamin D and for healthy and strong bones. Vitamin K supports the correct metabolism of calcium in vascular structures.
Podle potřebyPosílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vitamin C is an essential nutrient known for its important role in the immune system. It is a highly effective antioxidant that helps protect body structures from oxidative damage generated during normal metabolism. Vitamin C is also essential for the production of collagen and is therefore important for skin, bone and joint health. This product contains bioflavonoids that synergistically promote the use of vitamin C.
Dle potížíNachlazení Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Prokrvení, Posílení imunity, Celkové zdraví, Methylace ZnačkaNow Foods
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Kyselina pantothenová (vitamin B5) je členem rodiny vitamínů B komplexu a nachází se téměř v každé živé buňce jako součást koenzymu A (CoA). CoA je nezbytný pro výrobu energie z tuků, uhlohydrátů a bílkovin. Rovněž hraje rozhodující roli v mnoha biosyntetických reakcích, protože je nezbytný pro produkci tuků, cholesterolu, neurotransmiterů, červených krvinek a nadledvin. Kyselina pantothenová je tedy životně důležitá pro nesčetné funkce buněk a pro udržení zdravého buněčného metabolismu. Jakkoliv nepostradatelný a s mnoha přínosy, nedostatek vitamínu B5 je vzácný a pro většinu populace tak doplňování nemá smysl. Produkt jsme přidali jen na přání zákazníků.
Dle potížíAkné ZnačkaNow Foods
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Rychle rozpustný plně aktivní B12 je příjemně chutnající a rychle působící formou vitamínu B12, který je zde jako methylkobalamin, nejvíce biochemicky aktivní forma B12. Vitamín B12 se podílí na procesu dělení buněk a tvory červených krvinek, přispívá ke snížení míry únavy a vyčerpání, normální psychické činnosti a funkci imunitního systému a normálnímu metabolismu homocysteinu.
Dle potížíHomocystein Podle potřebyMethylace ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Vitamin E is a major fat-soluble antioxidant that is particularly important for maintaining cellular health by neutralizing free radicals produced during normal metabolic processes as well as environmental exposure.
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Premium magnesium in the form of malate, without the adverse side effects of other forms. Thanks to the high concentration of magnesium malate, only 1-2 capsules per day are sufficient. Added synergistic ingredients such as vitamin D3, K1, B1 and C plus a low dose of selenium in a well-absorbable form make it an ideal mineral supplement. The product is intended as a stand-alone product, but ideal nutrient coverage can be achieved by combining this product with D3 & K2 Complex. It supplies, among other things, important natural Vitamin K2, Zinc bisglycinate, Boron, Silicon and further strengthens the synergy between magnesium and vitamins D and K. By combining these products, you can achieve an ideal multivitamin in ideal doses and without unwanted and redundant elements.
Dle potížíStres, Křeče Podle potřebyFitness, Multiminerál, Posílení imunity, Relaxace, Ochrana cév, Celkové zdraví, Formulace, Energie, Minerál ZnačkaNutraday
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Selenium is an essential mineral element found in soil and water. Plants and yeast naturally convert selenium into organically bound amino acid mineral complexes. For better absorbability and bioavailability, SelenoExcell selenium in this product is in an organically bound natural form. SelenoExcell is the high-selenium yeast formulation used in many clinical studies.
Dle potížíProstata, Akné Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Minerál, Ochrana DNA ZnačkaHealthy Origins
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Vitamin K2 contributes to the normal absorption of calcium. The preparation thus contributes to the maintenance of the normal state of the bones and the normal function of blood vessels. This is the MK-4 form of vitamin K2, which occurs naturally in meat or cheese, for example. This product also contains alfalfa containing a small amount of natural vitamin C and many other substances.
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