Vitamin D3 - Mineral

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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
By ailmentsMenopause By needsMineral, Overall wellness, Formulation, Anti-age, Blood flow, Replenishment, Immune support, Beauty from within, Mood, Artery protection, Cognitive support, Multivitamín, Hair growth, Hydratation, Methylation BrandNutraday
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A first-class product containing 9 indispensable substances in the correct dosage. Vitamin D3, Vitamin K1, Vitamin K2 (MK-7 brand MenaQ7), Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Taurine, Zinc, Boron and Silicon as horsetail extract, providing bioavailable silicon. It contains quality ingredients that are difficult to find in food, especially on a daily basis. It is focused on the basic needs of the body to maintain youth and achieve a long life, namely the heart, bones and immunity. All this in vegetable capsules without any auxiliary substances, fillers or other auxiliary ingredients. The product was developed for long-term use and many individual components have a synergistic effect to maximize benefits.
By ailmentsMenopause By needsHydratation, Mood, Anti-age, Blood flow, Multivitamín, Hair growth, Mineral, Artery protection, Formulation, Methylation, Replenishment, Beauty from within, Immune support, Cognitive support, Overall wellness BrandNutraday
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Tato produkt s hořčíkem a vápníkem v poměru 2:1 ve prospěch hořčíku je formulován tak, aby poskytoval možnost doplnění většího množství hořčíku pro ty, kteří chtějí těžit z benefitů dostatečné hladiny tohoto základního minerálu pro nervy, svaly a kosti. Zinek a vitamin D3 jsou součástí tohoto produktu pro jejich roli v metabolismu kostí.
By ailmentsStress, Menopause By needsImmune support, Mineral, Replenishment, Overall wellness, Multimineral BrandNow Foods
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369,00  297,00 
You save: 72,00 Kč
NOW® Calcium Magnesium citrate are fully reacted minerals. NOW® Calcium & Magnesium Citrate Powder with Vitamin D3 is a great bone-supporting formula designed by NOW's certified nutritionist. It contains key nutrients that play a vital role in bone metabolism. The citrate forms of calcium and magnesium are well absorbed and support strong bones and teeth as well as muscle and nerve function. Vitamin D3 is included as a calcium and magnesium supplement and for its role in maintaining mineral and bone homeostasis.
By ailmentsStress, Menopause By needsMineral, Replenishment, Immune support, Multimineral BrandNow Foods
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Doctor’s Best Calcium Bone Maker Complex® s MCH-Cal™ a VitaMK7® poskytuje klíčové kostní živiny v jejich nejvíce bioaktivních formách. Vitamin C napomáhá tvorbě kostní hmoty. Vitamin D3 pomáhá podporovat vstřebávání vápníku v kostech, zatímco vitamín K2 pomáhá nasměrovat vápník do kostí. MCH-Cal™ obsahuje přírodní prvky, které se nacházejí ve zdravých kostech, včetně vápníku, fosforu a kolagenu typu 1. Vápník pomáhá podporovat svaly, nervy a krevní cévy při pohybu krve v těle, což ovlivňuje téměř všechny funkce lidského těla. Kolagen pomáhá budovat a podporovat kostní matrix a pojivovou tkáň. MCH-Cal™ pomáhá podporovat optimální složení kostních minerálů a celkové zdraví kostí. Pomáhá podporovat zdraví svalů, kostry a cév Optimalizováno pro zajištění bezpečného a efektivního využití vápníku
By needsImmune support, Multivitamín, Multimineral, Mineral BrandDoctor's Best
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