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NOW Boswellia Extract is a standardized extract from the plant Boswellia serrata, also known as Frankincense, or boswellia, which has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The bioactive components of Boswellia are mainly boswellic acids, which are standardized here at 65% of the weight of the extract.
Dle potížíZáněty, Bolest kloubů Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Pohyblivost kloubů ZnačkaNow Foods
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Boswellia Extract is a standardized extract with a high content of organic boswellic acids. Boswellia serrata, also known as frankincense, has been traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. The bioactive components of boswellia (boswellic acids) have been investigated in many scientific studies, due to the beneficial effect on key enzymes involved in the maintenance of healthy tissues. In addition to frankincense, this product also contains extract and powder from the root of the turmeric plant. Turmeric is here in a formulation without absorption enhancement (such as Meriva, BioPerine, etc.), so it is intended for the digestive system.
Dle potížíZáněty ZnačkaNow Foods