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Boron is a biologically active trace mineral that affects the metabolism of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Boron is known to support bone strength and structure.
Dle potížíKřeče, Menstruace, Záněty, Bolest Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Minerál, Hormonální rovnováha ZnačkaNow Foods
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Borage Oil is a nutritious oil that consists of 60% polyunsaturated fatty acids and a high content of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). The content of GLA in borage oil is approximately 2x higher than the average content in evening primrose oil. GLA is an essential fatty acid that the body can produce from linoleic acid, but the efficiency of this conversion is not very good. Research has shown that the borage oil in this product does not contain harmful amounts of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA). The borage oil in this product is pressed and extracted without the use of hexane. The stability of the oil is ensured by encapsulation in a softgel capsule.
Dle potížíZáněty, Alergie Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé ZnačkaNow Foods
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Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring carotenoid that, thanks to its unique structure, provides a wide range of protection against harmful radicals. Due to its size, astaxanthin is able to cross the blood barrier and be absorbed into the brain and retina, where it can provide protection against free radicals.
Podle potřebyAntioxidant ZnačkaNow Foods
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List kopřivy (Urtica dioica) je zdrojem chlorofylu a mnoha cenných látek v přirozené formě. Kopřiva od Nature’s Way je pečlivě testována a vyrobena podle nejpřísnějších kvalitativních standardů.
Dle potížíProstata, Alergie Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé ZnačkaNature's Way
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The natural fish oil concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested for potentially harmful amounts of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other impurities.)
Dle potížíMenopauza, Deprese Podle potřebyDoplnění, Celkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Nálada ZnačkaNow Foods
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a vitamin-like compound that plays a central role in cellular energy production. Coenzyme Q10 is found throughout the body, but is especially concentrated in the heart, liver and kidneys, and its production declines with age. CoQ10 also acts as a relatively weak scavenger of some free radicals in cell membranes and in blood vessels. In this product, coenzyme Q10 is additionally enriched with the hawthorn plant. Scientific research has shown that for some groups of people, CoQ10 helps maintain the function of the heart and cardiovascular system.
Dle potížíAlergie, Záněty Podle potřebyEnergie, Anti-age, Protizánětlivé, Antioxidant ZnačkaNow Foods
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Omega 3 olej od kalifornské společnosti Madre Labs nabízí rybí olej s vysokým obsahem nenasycených mastných kyselin EPA + DHA ve špičkové čistotě a kvalitě. V softgel měkkých kapslích z rybího kolagenu pro snadné užívání bez jakékoliv nepříjemné chutě či zápachu jako u jiných rybích olejů.
Dle potížíMenopauza, Deprese Podle potřebyDoplnění, Celkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Nálada ZnačkaMadre Labs
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Nettle root extract has been used on record since the days of ancient Rome over 2,000 years ago. Throughout Europe, nettle root has been widely used for a long time and has also been extensively researched here. This product is manufactured to meet the highest global standards.
Dle potížíZáněty, Prostata Podle potřebyBlokace DHT, Protizánětlivé ZnačkaNow Foods
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Pískavice řecké seno (Trigonella foenum-graecum) je jednou z nejstarších pěstovaných plodin. Extrakt z pískavice v tomto produktu je certifikován a vyráběn podle nejvyšších standardů a zaručuje vysokou kvalitu a původ. Vegetariánské kapsle pro snadné užívání i pro vegany a vegetariány.
Dle potížíLibido ženy, Diabetes, Libido muži Podle potřebyBlokace DHT ZnačkaNature's Way
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Green tea extract contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), considered the most important catechin in green tea and responsible for many of its effects. Its effects can be perfectly complemented with the product Pycnogenol and Curcumin. This product, in addition to the standardized extract for EGCG catechin content, also contains 50 mg of whole green tea leaf powder, containing a low dose of 4 mg of caffeine for a synergistic effect.
Podle potřebyProkrvení, Hubnutí
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Hloh obecný má dlouhou historii tradičního použití v Evropě a Severní Americe jako bylinné tonikum. Moderní vědecké studie identifikovaly řadu bioaktivních složek, včetně OPC (oligomerní prokyanidiny).
Dle potížíAlergie, Záněty Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Hubnutí ZnačkaNow Foods
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The Pau D'Arco (Lapacho) in this product is made from the inner bark of the Tabebuia heptaphylla tree, which has been used by herbalists from the Amazon rainforest for centuries. They use its power for most common ailments. This traditional use is supported by more recent discoveries of many active substances, including lapachol and beta-lapachone.
Dle potížíZáněty Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Ochrana DNA ZnačkaNow Foods
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Vilcacora (Cat's claw / "uña de gato" or Uncaria Tomentosa) is also known as the "life-giving vine of Peru". It is a woody vine native to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical regions of South and Central America. Modern science discovered this plant only relatively recently and it was found that its characteristic alkaloids are mainly responsible for its biological activities. However, the native Indians of the Amazon have been using this plant for over 2,000 years and value its many uses. This preparation contains only the high-quality inner bark of this creeper, just as the local Indians use it.
Dle potížíÚnava, Bolest kloubů Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Ochrana DNA, Posílení imunity, Anti-age ZnačkaNow Foods
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The natural fish oil concentrate used in this softgel is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested for potentially harmful amounts of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCBs, dioxins and other impurities.)
Dle potížíDeprese, Menopauza Podle potřebyDoplnění, Celkové zdraví, Kognitivní podpora, Nálada ZnačkaNow Foods
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