Doctor's Best- page 2


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Serrapeptase is a protein-cleaving proteolytic enzyme first isolated from a useful bacterium of the genus Serratia sp. E 15, which was first discovered in the guts of a silkworm larva. It is used for its ability to break down specific proteins of non-living tissue, including fibrin. The Serrapeptase in this product is formulated using Serrateric technology, an excellent alternative to enteric coating that protects the enzyme until it reaches the optimal absorption site in the gut.
Dle potížíZáněty Podle potřebyOchrana cév, Protizánětlivé, Enzymy ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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High Absorption Iron with Ferrochel is highly absorbable and bioavailable iron from the Ferrochel brand, which is 100% chelated. Thanks to this, it achieves high bioavailability and prevents nausea and digestive problems that are commonly caused by iron supplementation. Chelation allows iron to easily pass through the intestinal wall, where the minerals are optimally absorbed. Iron is an essential mineral that helps in the normal production of red blood cells. It is an important component of hemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. Iron also plays an important role in the metabolism of folic acid, which is important for the development of the fetal nervous system. Anemia in pregnant women is associated with low birth weight and preterm birth. The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Ferrochel Iron is chelated with glycine amino acids, which ensures high absorption and increased tolerability.
Dle potížíMenstruace Podle potřebyTěhotenství ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Bakopa in the Synapsa formulation is just right for supporting visual processing, learning, multitasking, working memory, information retention and mental performance. Also suitable for demanding periods such as exams, work meetings and managerial decision-making.
Podle potřebyPaměť, Nootropika ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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This product provides MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) in the highest purity. MSM is a good source of body-available sulfur and a donor of methyl groups needed for a number of metabolic functions. Sulfur is a key component of, for example, antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine and glutathione. Although MSM is naturally found in low concentrations in some foods, significant amounts are lost when foods are heated and processed. This product contains high quality MSM in the amount of 1 g in each capsule.
Dle potížíBolest kloubů Podle potřebyPohyblivost kloubů ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Doctor's Best pure collagen type 1 and 3 contains pure collagen protein that contributes to the growth and maintenance of healthy tissues. Collagen is a structural protein that is fundamentally responsible for the strength and flexibility of bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, hair, skin, nails and other tissues throughout the body. Collagen type 1 and 3 is enzymatically hydrolyzed into individual collagen peptides with a small molecular size for optimal absorption and use by the body. Thanks to the low molecular weight of the peptides, it provides improved collagen bioavailability.
Podle potřebyDoplnění, Celkové zdraví, Krása zevnitř ZnačkaDoctor's Best
Doctor's Best Vein Support contains DiosVein Diosmin, used for decades in Europe for vascular support. DiosVein, an extracted fraction from orange is rich in bioflavonoids and is used in clinical studies to promote blood vessel health and support normal circulatory function. In combination with diosmin, it is used to support healthy venous function. Vein Support also contains MenaQ7, the world-famous natural MK-7 form of vitamin K2, extracted from fermented chickpeas. Thanks to that, it doesn't even contain soy.
Podle potřebyProkrvení, Ochrana cév, Čištění cév ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Vitamin C is a basic antioxidant and a substance necessary for the human body. It participates as a cofactor in a huge range of processes, it is needed, for example, in the creation and maintenance of collagen and for the proper functioning of blood vessels, teeth and bones.
Dle potížíNachlazení Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Celkové zdraví, Methylace, Posílení imunity, Prokrvení ZnačkaDoctor's Best
Tyto chutné gumové bonbóny obsahují černé bezinky, vitamín C a zinek, známé pro své antioxidační vlastnosti a posílení imunity. Obsahují pouze přírodní látky, bez syntetických příchutí či barviv.
Dle potížíNachlazení Podle potřebyPosílení imunity ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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The best stabilized R-Alpha Lipoic Acid contains BioEnhanced Na-RALA, the sodium salt of R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA). Unlike pure RLA, or regular S-ALA, BioEnhanced Na-RALA is a stabilized form of RLA that does not degrade at high temperatures, is more bioavailable than normal ALA and has no solvent residues. Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) plays an important role in glucose metabolism and energy production. Because it is soluble in both water and fat, ALA is known as the "universal antioxidant". ALA occurs in two forms designated as "R" and "S." Studies indicate that RLA, the natural form, is more biologically active than the S form, which is not natural to the body. This formulation also includes the vitamin biotin, which further supports the metabolic benefits of alpha lipoic acid.
Dle potížíKrevní cukr Podle potřebyAntioxidant ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Doctor's Best Curcumin with Curcumin C3 Complex and BioPerine contains a powerful standardized extract of the root Curcuma longa, known as turmeric. Turmeric has a centuries-old tradition in Ayurvedic healing. The active ingredients of Curcuma longa are cucuminoids, compounds that have shown strongly positive properties in scientific studies. Curcuminoids can benefit the joints, brain, heart and circulatory system by helping to neutralize free radicals and reduce inflammatory processes. BioPerine is a trademark of the highest quality black pepper extract, which contains 95-98% piperine as a natural enhancer of the absorption of curcumin from the intestinal tract.
Dle potížíAlergie, Bolest, Záněty, Ekzémy, Deprese Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, NO, Prokrvení, Protizánětlivé ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Vitamin C is a basic antioxidant and a substance necessary for the human body. It participates as a cofactor in a huge range of processes, it is needed, for example, in the creation and maintenance of collagen and for the proper functioning of blood vessels, teeth and bones.
Dle potížíNachlazení Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Methylace, Prokrvení, Posílení imunity, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Doctor's Best Ultra Cordyceps Plus contains Cordyceps sinensis grown in clean conditions, used for centuries in China as a rejuvenating tonic that improves energy and supports the function of various organs and systems. The Cordyceps in this product is recognized by the Chinese government as similar to wild Cordyceps sinensis, a rare mushroom that grows at high altitudes in the Tibetan Highlands of China. Ginkgo biloba and artichoke leaf extracts are added to support the rejuvenating effects of cordyceps. It helps to increase energy, vitality and endurance. Supporting memory and mental abilities.
Podle potřebyEnergie, Anti-age, Celkové zdraví, Posílení imunity ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Zinc bisglycinate is a well-tolerated and highly bioavailable form of zinc specially chelated to ensure maximum absorption. Zinc is important to support healthy immune function, and since it cannot be produced by the body, it must be obtained through diet and supplements. This product contains 50 mg of elemental zinc, so it is suitable for short-term use.
Dle potížíEkzémy, Nachlazení, Akné, Deprese Podle potřebyPlodnost, Posílení imunity, Kognitivní podpora ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Vstaňte a hýbejte se. Tato jedinečná kombinace koenzymu Q10, NADH a vitaminu B12 poskytuje vyvážené zvýšení energie, které vás dodá po celý den. Koenzym Q10 a NADH jsou doplňky, které podporují energetický metabolismus a výdrž, zatímco vitamin B12 podporuje zdravé mentální schopnosti a vyvýženou náladu. Tento silný komplex společně podporuje produkci a udržení zdravé energetické hladiny.
Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Energie, Anti-age ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Vynikající produkt Prenatal Essentials od Doctor’s Best představuje ideální doplněk stravy, který si starostlivá žena pro své dítě může dopřát. Obrovskou výhodou je mimo folát, cholin a methylkobalamin hlavně obsah omega kyseliny DHA, která je důležitá pro mozek a to všechno obsaženo v rostlinném softgelu. Tato vyživující směs přípravku Prenatal Essentials vám poskytne plnou doporučenou denní dávku cholinu (VitaCholine®) pro podporu nervového vývoje plodu. Cholin pomáhá zvyšovat dostupnost DHA, která spolupracuje s folátem (Quatrefolic®) v jeho nejvíce biologicky dostupné formě folátu IV. generace k další podpoře vývoje mozku a páteře plodu. Cholin a vitamin B12 dává matce více energie. U kojících žen doplňování cholinu podporuje podporuje dítě v pokračujícím růstu a vývoji mozku i po těhotenství.
Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Těhotenství, Plodnost ZnačkaDoctor's Best
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Doctor's Best Magnesium poskytuje dávku hořčíku s vysokou vstřebatelností bez gastrointestinálních potíží. Toto skvělé složení se 100% chelátovým lyzinát glycinátem hořečnatým se účinně vstřebává a podporuje svalovou relaxaci a optimální nervovou funkci. Podporuje svalovou relaxaci a klidný spánek. Nezbytný v 300 enzymových procesech, které podporují biochemické funkce Mnohem lépe vstřebatelný než obyčejné formy hořčíku
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