What is taurine and what does it do?

Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid important for overall health, cardiovascular system, muscle function and nervous system support. It helps transport key nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium in and out of cells and stabilizes cell membranes.

Taurine is a naturally occurring amino acid, it plays a key role in many important processes in the body, such as muscle contraction, regulation of nerve signals and the balance of cell electrolytes. It acts as an osmolyte, helping to regulate water and mineral levels in cells, which supports proper cell function and hydration. Taurine is also known for its antioxidant properties that protect cells from oxidative stress.

As a conditionally essential amino acid, taurine is particularly important for neurological development and the regulation of water and mineral salts in the blood. Although the body can produce taurine on its own, a higher intake may be necessary in certain situations. Supplementation is also beneficial, especially for vegans and vegetarians, as dietary taurine is primarily found in meat, fish and dairy products.

Taurine has positive effects on cardiovascular health, supports heart function and is important for the development and function of the central nervous system. Research suggests that taurine may help regulate blood pressure, reduce arterial stiffness, and promote healthy cholesterol levels. Its ability to function as a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator further helps regulate brain activity and supports cognitive function.

It can also increase exercise capacity, reduce muscle damage and aid in muscle recovery. As a result, taurine is also sometimes taken before training, for its potential role in supporting physical performance.

Taurine is an amino acid containing sulfur, an essential component that the body needs. Sulfur plays a vital role in protein synthesis for tissue building and repair, maintains joint strength and flexibility, acts as a key component in antioxidant systems and facilitates liver detoxification processes. Furthermore, taurine has shown positive effects on mitochondria, the energy-producing powerhouse of cells. By regulating mitochondrial calcium levels, protecting against oxidative stress and strengthening mitochondrial function, taurine supports energy production and cell health.

Benefits of taurine:

  • Supporting heart health by regulating blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
  • Support for eye, testicle and immune system health.
  • Nervous system support and cellular electrolyte balance
  • Improving sports performance by reducing fatigue and protecting against muscle damage.

What does taurine contain?

  • Animal sources: Seafood and poultry, especially mussels, mussels and turkey, contain high amounts of taurine.
  • Plant sources : Some seaweed (Nori), vegetables, but in smaller quantities. For vegetarian and vegan diets, dietary supplements with taurine are an effective alternative.

Typical doses of taurine range from 250 mg to 2,000 mg per day, with most studies suggesting that up to 3,000 mg per day is safe and beneficial. It is recommended to take taurine with food to promote absorption and minimize any potential digestive discomfort.

Frequently asked questions about Taurin

Co dělá taurin ?

Taurin hraje klíčovou roli v mnoha důležitých procesech v těle, jako jsou svalové kontrakce, regulace nervových signálů a rovnováha buněčných elektrolytů. Působí jako osmolyt, pomáhá regulovat hladinu vody a minerálů v buňkách, což podporuje správnou funkci buněk a hydrataci. 

Pomáhá transportovat klíčové živiny, jako jsou draslík, vápník a hořčík, dovnitř a ven z buněk a stabilizuje membrány buněk. Taurin je také známý svými antioxidačními vlastnostmi, které chrání buňky před oxidačním stresem.

Co je to Taurin?

Taurin je přirozeně se vyskytující podmíněně esenciální aminokyselina, důležitá pro celkové zdraví, kardiovaskulární systém, funkci svalů a podporu nervového systému. Pomáhá transportovat klíčové živiny, jako jsou draslík, vápník a hořčík, dovnitř a ven z buněk a stabilizuje membrány buněk.

Co obsahuje taurin ?

  • Živočišné zdroje: Mořské plody a drůbež, zejména mušle, slávky a krocan, obsahují vysoké množství taurinu.
  • Rostlinné zdroje : Některé mořské řasy (Nori), zelenina, avšak v menším množství. Pro vegetariánskou a veganskou stravu jsou doplňky stravy s taurinem účinnou alternativou.
Je taurin stimulující nebo uklidňující?

Taurin je aminokyselina obsahující síru, která uklidňuje nervový systém tím, že zvyšuje produkci glycinu a neurotransmiteru GABA. Taurin tedy není přímý stimulant, často však bývá v energetických nápojích kombinován s kofeinem, který stimulující je. 

Taurin hraje roli v mnoha důležitých funkcích, včetně dlouhověkosti.

Kdy brát taurin?

Taurin se doporučuje užívat taurin s jídlem, aby se podpořilo vstřebávání a minimalizovalo jakékoli potenciální trávicí nepohodlí. Taurin je možné užívat jak ráno, tak večer či během dne.

Kolik taurinu brát denně ?

Typické bezpečné a prospěšné dávky taurinu se pohybují od 250 mg do 2000 mg za den, přičemž většina studií naznačuje, že až 3 000 mg denně je stále bezpečné. 

Přínosy taurinu

  • Podpora zdraví srdce regulací krevního tlaku a hladiny cholesterolu.
  • Podpora zdraví očí, varlat a imunitního systému.
  • Podpora nervového systému a rovnováha buněčných elektrolytů
  • Zlepšení sportovního výkonu snížením únavy a ochranou před poškozením svalů.
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Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid that also acts as an antioxidant, and the body accumulates it, for example, in the brain or testicles, where it counteracts the effects of harmful free radicals. Taurine has another effect through other molecules in the organs, for example in the visual system. Taurine also helps transport minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in and out of cells in the body. It also helps generate nerve impulses and interact with other molecules as a neurotransmitter.
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Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid that is found mainly in free tissue, especially throughout the nervous system. It supports the stabilization of cell membranes and helps the transport of minerals in and out of cells. It helps regulate nerve impulses and maintain normal fluid balance.
Dle potížíKrevní cukr, Diabetes Podle potřebyAnti-age, Kognitivní podpora, Hydratace, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaNow Foods
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Taurine is a conditionally essential amino acid that does not support protein synthesis, but is found in most tissues, especially throughout the nervous system. It works in tissues by stabilizing cell membranes and helping transport potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in and out of cells. Taurine helps generate and regulate nerve impulses and supports the maintenance of normal fluid balance, which is also used by the body in the visual pathways, as well as in the brain and nervous system, where it works together with glycine and GABA as a neurotransmitter.
Dle potížíKrevní cukr, Diabetes Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Anti-age, Celkové zdraví, Hydratace ZnačkaNow Foods
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