Shilajit - Energy and Vitality

Shilajit is a natural mineral resin that promotes energy and vitality . Contains more than 80 minerals that support bone, muscle and immune system health. Shilajit also supports brain health and can improve cognitive function. Important for overall health and well-being .

Shilajit is a fascinating natural substance that has many potential benefits for our body. Here's a quick overview:

Energy and Vitality: Shilajit has traditionally been used to promote energy and overall vitality. It contains a number of minerals and trace elements that can help improve physical performance.

Bone and muscle health: Due to its mineral content such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, shilajit can contribute to bone and muscle strength.

Immune system: The minerals in shilajit can support the immune system and help the body fight infections.

Brain health and cognitive function: There is also a hypothesis that shilajit may have a positive effect on the brain and cognitive function, but scientific evidence is still limited.

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Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex is a pure and standardized extract containing at least 60% fulvic acid complex with high levels of dibenzo-a-pyrones and dibenzo-a-pyrone chromoproteins. These special compounds are active in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex works with coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria to increase energy production in brain and muscle tissues during exercise.
Dle potížíCholesterol, Alergie, Záněty Podle potřebyProtizánětlivé, Plodnost, Paměť, Minerál, Celkové zdraví BrandJarrow Formulas
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