L-lysine is an essential amino acid that must be obtained from food or a dietary supplement, as the body cannot synthesize it on its own. L-lysine is also a precursor to L-carnitine, which is needed for fat metabolism and energy production. Now Foods L-Lysine is a pharmaceutical grade essential amino acid.
Dle potížíOpary, Diabetes ZnačkaNow Foods
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L-lysine is an essential amino acid that must be obtained from food or a dietary supplement, as the body cannot synthesize it on its own. L-lysine is also a precursor to L-carnitine, which is needed for fat metabolism and energy production. Now Foods L-Lysine is a pharmaceutical grade essential amino acid.
Dle potížíOpary, Diabetes ZnačkaNow Foods
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L-lysin je esenciální aminokyselina, která musí být získávána ze stravy nebo doplňováním. Lysin je nezbytný pro produkci všech proteinů v těle a je nutný pro udržování strukturálních proteinů kolagenu a elastinu, které tvoří všechny pojivové tkáně, jako je kůže, šlachy a kosti. L-lysin je také prekurzorem L-karnitinu, který je potřebný pro metabolismus tuků a produkci energie.
Dle potížíOpary, Diabetes ZnačkaNow Foods
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L-lysine is an essential amino acid that must be obtained from food or a dietary supplement, as the body cannot synthesize it on its own. L-lysine is also a precursor to L-carnitine, which is needed for fat metabolism and energy production. Now Foods L-Lysine is a pharmaceutical grade essential amino acid.
Dle potížíOpary, Diabetes ZnačkaNow Foods
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