Folate - Doctor's Best

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Quatrefolic® is a form of metabolized folate that the body owns and can use. This is vitamin B9, also called folate or folic acid. The common form of this vitamin is synthetic folic acid, which is not the body's own substance and must be metabolized and methylated into a form that the body can use. Surprisingly, even folate, which is contained in fresh leafy vegetables, must be methylated before it can be used. Most multivitamins and preparations with folic acid contain, in the vast majority of cases, a cheap synthetic form - folic acid. However, doctors recommend the methylated form, i.e. folate, but the disadvantage is the higher price. A sufficient amount of folate is important both at the time of conception and at the very beginning of pregnancy, as its deficiency increases the risk of certain disorders. Its sufficient amount in the body is also very important, because in the first month a woman often does not even know that she is already pregnant. Supplementing with folate using a reduced, body-own version of folate from the brand Quatrefolic is a convenient way to supply increased amounts of folate during or before possible conception. We do not recommend folic acid / folate / vitamin b9 for people, especially for long-term use.
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Vynikající produkt Prenatal Essentials od Doctor’s Best představuje ideální doplněk stravy, který si starostlivá žena pro své dítě může dopřát. Obrovskou výhodou je mimo folát, cholin a methylkobalamin hlavně obsah omega kyseliny DHA, která je důležitá pro mozek a to všechno obsaženo v rostlinném softgelu. Tato vyživující směs přípravku Prenatal Essentials vám poskytne plnou doporučenou denní dávku cholinu (VitaCholine®) pro podporu nervového vývoje plodu. Cholin pomáhá zvyšovat dostupnost DHA, která spolupracuje s folátem (Quatrefolic®) v jeho nejvíce biologicky dostupné formě folátu IV. generace k další podpoře vývoje mozku a páteře plodu. Cholin a vitamin B12 dává matce více energie. U kojících žen doplňování cholinu podporuje podporuje dítě v pokračujícím růstu a vývoji mozku i po těhotenství.
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Doctor's Best Fully Active Folate with Quatrefolic® twice as strong contains Quatrefolic®, glucosamine salt (695-methyl-tetrahydrofolate, the most bioavailable form of folate that also provides greater stability and water solubility. The human body cannot synthesize folate, and due to its nature, the body stores it to a limited extent. Folic acid and folate from food must be converted into its metabolically active form in order to be used by the body. Quatrefolic® is a metabolically active folate, making it more effective than folic acid for maximizing benefits. Folate helps support a healthy prenatal regimen along with a healthy diet and lifestyle. It also helps support the healthy development of the fetus's brain and spine. Folate is also an important vitamin for supporting DNA and proper cell division. Quatrefolic® is the most bioavailable form of folate Composition per dose of 1 vegetable capsule: Folate (from Quatrefolic®, (6s)-5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine salt) 800 mcg** (200%*); * - Daily reference value of income. Other ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, modified cellulose (vegetable capsule). Made and tested for quality in the USA. Dosage: 1 capsule per day, preferably between meals Warning : For adults only. If you are taking medication or have a medical condition, consult your doctor before use. It is not a substitute for a varied diet. Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool, dry place. Package contents: 60 vegetable capsules
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