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MERIVA's patented curcumin in the form bound to phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) with absorbability almost 30 times higher than the combination of curcumin and piperine alone, as found in a clinical study . Curcumin itself is very poorly absorbed by the body from the digestive tract (only a few units of percent), therefore, to enhance absorbability, it is often mixed with piperine (extract from black pepper), which increases its absorbability by up to 100%. Phosphatidylcholine in this form of curcumin also ensures high absorbability by binding curcumin molecules to each other and easily transporting them into the bloodstream. High absorption is one thing, but the most important feature of MERIVA curcumin is a much better profile of curcuminoids in the blood plasma due to the high content of dementhoxycurcumin, which is considered more important for anti-inflammatory effects.
Dle potížíBolest, Záněty, Deprese, Alergie, Ekzémy Podle potřebyNO, Protizánětlivé, Prokrvení, Celkové zdraví ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex is a pure and standardized extract containing at least 60% fulvic acid complex with high levels of dibenzo-a-pyrones and dibenzo-a-pyrone chromoproteins. These special compounds are active in the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Shilajit Fulvic Acid Complex works with coenzyme Q10 in the mitochondria to increase energy production in brain and muscle tissues during exercise.
Dle potížíZáněty, Cholesterol, Alergie Podle potřebyMinerál, Celkové zdraví, Protizánětlivé, Plodnost, Paměť ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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1 092,00 
Ubichonol QH-Absorb + PQQ combines the reduced active form of coenzyme Q10 with PQQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone), which supports the production of new mitochondria. This combination supports both heart and brain function.
Podle potřebyAntioxidant, Energie, Anti-age, Protizánětlivé, Spánek ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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PQQ (pyrrolochinolin chinon) je v minimálních množstvích přirozeně obsažen v potravě. Je antioxidační činidlo, která podporuje vznik nových mitochondrií spolu s podporou srdce a mozkových funkcí.
Dle potížíÚnava, Stres Podle potřebyAnti-age, Spánek, Protizánětlivé ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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Zinc Balance od Jarrow Formulas je synergická kombinace zinku L-methioninu a glukonátu měďnatého v poměru 15: 1 zinku k mědi. Zinek L-methionin odolává narušení absorpce z vlákniny a kyseliny fytové. Minerál zinek podporuje zdraví kostí a imunity. Jak zinek, tak měď jsou potřebné pro podporu aktivity superoxid dismutázy (SOD), která hraje rozhodující roli v endogenním antioxidačním systému těla.
Dle potížíAkné, Nachlazení, Ekzémy, Diabetes Podle potřebyKognitivní podpora, Posílení imunity, Plodnost ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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1 192,00 
Curcumin is a well-known and intensively studied molecule with a considerable range of beneficial effects on the body. Meriva® Curcumin is a phytosome form of curcumin that is patent protected and consists of curcumin extract bound to phosphatidylcholine for increased absorption and bioavailability. Clinical studies show excellent absorption and the right curcuminoid profile, making it one of the best curcumins on the market.
Dle potížíDeprese, Bolest, Záněty, Ekzémy, Alergie Podle potřebyCelkové zdraví, Prokrvení, NO, Protizánětlivé ZnačkaJarrow Formulas
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