Biotin - Hair, Skin, Nails

Biotin supports healthy skin, hair and nails . It helps the body convert food into energy and supports the health of the nervous system.

Biotin also supports the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Key to maintaining healthy and beautiful skin. Biotin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, is one of the main ingredients of products that are responsible for hair growth and improve the appearance of skin and nails. It should also be known that biotin plays an important role in many other processes that take place in our body.

What do we know about biotin?

What is it? Biotin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, is fat-soluble and belongs to group B vitamins. It is found in animal and plant tissues. It acts as a coenzyme in metabolic processes, for example in the metabolism of fats and amino acids, and participates in gluconeogenesis. It is also part of enzymes catalyzing carboxylation reactions, which is important for the synthesis of nucleic acids and nucleotides.

Features: Biotin is key to healthy skin, hair and nails. It contains sulfur molecules that are needed for the formation of keratin – the building block of hair, skin and nails. It strengthens the nail plate and helps to improve the condition of the skin. It can also suppress excessive hair loss if biotin deficiency is the cause.

Benefits: Hair, skin and nails: Biotin strengthens hair, prevents graying and loss.

Mood: It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, which improves mood and reduces nervousness.

Muscles and joints: Helps with muscle and joint pain.

Blood glucose: Recommended for diabetics.

Thyroid gland: Supports its normal function.

Metabolism: It has a positive effect on the whole body and prevents weight gain.

Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin.
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Biotin je ve vodě rozpustný vitamín nezbytný pro normální růst buněk a tělesnou funkci. Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin. Vedle své role ve výrobě energie biotin zvyšuje syntézu některých proteinů. Navíc biotin podporuje zdravou funkci imunitního systému a hraje důležitou roli v ochraně pokožky.
Podle potřebyRůst vlasů BrandNow Foods
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Biotin je ve vodě rozpustný vitamin nezbytný pro normální vývoj a funkci těla. Biotin funguje jako klíčový regulační prvek v glukoneogenezi, syntéze mastných kyselin a v metabolismu některých aminokyselin. Biotin vedle své role při výrobě energie pomáhá zvyšit syntézu proteinů BCAA. Biotin navíc podporuje zdravou funkci nervového systému a zdraví pokožky.
Podle potřebyRůst vlasů BrandNow Foods
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